Chapter One

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Amealia ( Amy ) lives at Heartland Ranch with her Mother ( Marion) and her Grandfather ( Jack ).
Amealia is 18 and getting ready to start U of C to train as a Vet, it's something she's always wanted to do and has spent the last 2 years working with Scott Cardinal at his Veterinary Clinic, at 16 she started on reception then Scott moved her into the Clinc as an assistant and was impressed by her knowledge and enthusiasm.  She even helped with operations once she turned 17 and he reported back to Marion that she had the makings of a good Vet.
Marion worked with Horses and had a gift but so did  her youngest Daughter even though she wanted to be a Vet and help her Mom.
The Eldest Daughter lived in New York and was a Business woman. She Left Hudson 3 yrs after their Father Died to try and get away from the memories of that fateful day when Lou was 15 and her too strict draconian grandfather.
Amy was only 5 years old when he died in a Rodeo accident even though Marion had begged him to give it up Just 3 months before.
Marion had a secret about Amy and was going to explain everything when she turned 16 but as what she was expecting didn't happen Marion decided to wait and 2 years later there was still no signs. Marion wondered if that maybe Amy was the one that was missed in so many  generations . She didn't want to say anything just incase Amy never recieved her Powers,  but Marion would be there to teach her if she did get them Just like she taught Amy's Sister Lou.. Only the Women in their family were chosen unlike other family's where it was passed down to male and female , 300 yrs ago they'd of been burned at the stake, people thought they were bad but in those days it didn't matter which you belonged to, Good or Bad, Dark Witches were rare thankfully. Marion's Family were Sorceresses and were Very Powerful compared to most, which is another reason why Marion was Worried about Amy being in University, as any Dark witch would try to kill her and take her powers for themselves if they felt the Magic of an untrained Sorceress.
Marion decided to contact their Elder Sorcerer of their Cabal.
Marion laughed to herself thinking about what normal people thought, dancing naked round a fire, doing rituals with an animal sacrifice,  if only they knew how ordinary they really were and didn't do those sort of things.

Since Amy Graduated with Honours in June she'd been working at the Clinic until she starts at University on the third week of September. She was saving every penny for her own second hand Truck so she could commute every day.
Amy had a savings account since she started at 16 so every penny counted and she'd never touched it.
When she got home Amy was absolutely worn out but she knew Ghost would need to go out for some exercise, he showed up when Amy was 16.
( She came out to do her chores early one morning and saw him stood in the middle of the green between the house and the outdoor Arena, this beautiful White Appaloosa.
Amy saw that his front was covered in blood, obviously from a barbed wire fence and slowly made her way over towards him, she was talking to him showing no signs or movements of aggression,  every so often she would stop and look at the ground.
Eventually to her surprise he started to slowly walk towards her,  Amy stayed perfectly still allowing him to make his own decisions.
After about 15 minutes he was near enough for Amy to touch him but she didn't,  Amy allowed Him to make the first move, she didn't know that Marion and Jack were watching from the kitchen window as this beautiful horse nuzzled her arm as if to say I want you to stroke me.
Amy slowly moved her arm and put her hand on the side of his face gently moving her hand around and rubbed her fingers by his ear, he liked that.
Amy spoke gently to him saying she wanted to help him and to follow her, so started to walk towards the ring rather than a stall and he followed, he allowed her to treat his wounds and from that day he was hers.
Marion did the paperwork as proof that he belonged to Amy as some people would try to say he was there's being such a beautiful horse.

Amy got Ghost ready and told her mom she wouldn't be long, they went off to her usual Trail ride, ghosts tail high in the air showing Amy how majestic he was.
It wasn't long before Amy and Ghost stood on the brow of a hill looking out across the forest towards the Mountains when she saw two reflective jackets, she knew they were hunters who should not be on Heartland property.  She pulled out her phone and took a photo then zoomed in and took another. 
Jack was helping Marion with dinner
when the phone rang, "Hello, okay where are they, okay send me the photo then get out of there, right bye".
"Was that Amy dad".
"Yeah, hunters are in the Dell, I told her to get out of there".
"I'll come with you, in case you need me to help".
"Good Idea, there are two of them, at least you don't need a rifle, why is it only the Women in this family get these powers ".
Jack and Marion set off in the truck.

Amy watched a little longer then she noticed that they saw her, she pulled Ghost around and started to take off when she heard a rifle go off.
Jack and Marion got the other side of the hunters,slowly they made there way towards the two men, eventually they got right behind them thanks to a spell of Marion's giving them complete Stealth.
"Hands up and drop the guns cuz i have an itchy finger, Marion laughed to herself at her fathers comment then used wire ties to bind there wrists together then they marched them back and handed them over to the police who were waiting by Jacks Truck.
Jack and Marion headed home and were Just pulling up to the house when Marion saw Ghost coming through the tree's,  she got out the truck and looked over to to see Amy slumped over Ghosts neck, but what made Marion scream was the blood all down the horses right side.
"DAD, Amy's been shot".

To be continued

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