Chapter Seven

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Amy and Ty were having a great week together,  Ty showed Amy places she didn't know about in Calgary.
But Amy wasn't sure about Ty's father,  who kept asking about her powers so Amy was very careful how she answered his questions, or Just lied about some of them,  a couple of times Ty was about to elaborate but she'd kick him in the leg to shut him up, eventually Ty realised what Amy was doing so tried to change the topics of conversation. After dinner they'd help Lilly clean up  then go for a walk.
While they were walking Amy decided to have a word with Ty about his dad.
"Ty, I'm feeling really uncomfortable with the way your Dad keeps going on about my powers, and some questions are bordering on personal things".
"I'm sorry Amy, I've never known him to be like this, I'll have a word with him ".
"Thank you, it's like he's obsessed with wanting to know how powerful I am, I don't want anyone to know apart from you and my family".
"I can certainly understand that Amy, apparently another Sorceress from one of the Calgary Calab's has disappeared,  that makes three in 12 Months ".

It was Wednesday morning and after breakfast Amy explained to Ty that she needed to visit the University as she knew the staff were back.
"Is everything OK with University Amy".
"Yeah fine, it's Just with the way my Grampa's been acting I was thinking of going Residential for the two years you have left, then move back home when you move to Hudson to take up that Job. That's if you do".
"Well they assured me that the Job was mine when I graduate so as long as it is I will Just need to find an apartment in Hudson which will be better for us both, but you'll have to travel to Calgary every day and back".
"Well I've been doing it since I started so that doesn't bother me".

Amy came out of the university towards Ty's truck and put her thumbs up. When she got in she looked at Ty with a smile on her face.
"You feel better now".
"Yeah, No more being watched or followed, no wonder Lou left home, I've always felt she abandoned me but now I know the truth I want to see her, Maybe at the next break in the spring ".
When they got home Lilly informed Ty that his father was in his study doing research.
"That's fine mum we'll go to the Den and watch a film ".
Brad Borden was getting frustrated as he couldn't find anything about Amy's Family or background,  not even her Ancestry. Brad knew someone had hidden her file which would mean that Amy Fleming was a powerful Sorceress but Just how powerful. He decided that he needed to do more digging.
Amy and Ty came up from the Den ready for Dinner.
They all sat at the table and Lilly dished it up.
Almost immediately Ty noticed his father looked like he was in a bad mood but what disturbed him more was the way he kept looking at Amy.
"So Amy I was looking up your family in the Covern archives but there's nothing there about you or your Ancestor's ".
"Well I know it was there a few weeks ago so I can't understand why it isn't there now".
"Mmmm, well how about you show us some of the things you can do after dinner eh".
"No thank you Mr Borden,  I'm still learning  and I'm not very good at the moment ".

"Nonsense,  it will be fun, Wont it! ".
"I'm sorry Lilly but I've lost my Appetite,  if you'll excuse me".
Amy got up and left the table before anyone answered and went up to her room. As soon as she shut her door she heard Lilly and Ty arguing with Brad. Amy started packing her trolly case when she heard a knock on the door. Amy used her magic and sensed Ty at the door.
"Come in Ty".
"Are you okay Amy, what are you doing ".
"What does it look like I'm doing Ty, I've had enough of your father, I'm going home".
Amy grabbed her Case and walked to the Front door, she kissed Ty and told him she'd see him next week at University then made her way across the driveway,  as she approached her Truck she felt Brad reaching for his magic and release a spell but Amy was to fast and threw up her Shield causing Brad's to bounce off.  Ty couldn't believe what his father had Just done.
Amy turned and looked at Brad who was looking at her with amazement through her Golden Shield then without moving her arms or hands Amy threw a bolt of power straight at him, it hit him straight on, throwing him through the length of the house and through one of the Large Patio doors.
Amy calmly put her case on the back seat then got in and drove off releasing her Shield. She didn't look back once, Just drove home.
Lilly and Ty both bent forward turning their heads towards the direction they last saw Brad heading in and there was no sign of him except for a smashed Patio door, they both straightened up and looked at each other then walked to see how far Amy sent him, they both walked to the edge of the garden and found him lying in a mound of nettles, the pair of them burst out laughing and after checking he was alright they walked back to the house leaving him there.
"Ty, you have one hell of a powerful girlfriend ".
"I know mum, she doesn't really want to announce it, but when dad threw that spell at her she reacted instinctively mom, I don't want dad to get hurt, but if he carries on she will hurt him Badly, so please make him understand ".
"I will love, and I'm sorry he chased her off, I really like her Ty".
"Thanks Mom".

To be continued

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