Chapter Seventeen

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Marion got home about 8pm and Jack was sat in the Lounge still sulking.
"Well that was a nice meal until Brad turned up at Ty's".
"What happened, is Amy alright".
"Oh now you care if she's okay when the safest place for her is at
Heartland ".
"I didn't tell her to leave".
"Pft, you tell yourself that Dad, your the one who said you didn't want an unmarried pregnant woman in Your home".
"Yeah, well I may of overreacted a bit".
"Well it's to late now because Ty asked her to move in and she agreed".
"Oh no, I'm not allowing that".
"Good grief, make your mind up Dad, will you, it's to late anyway she won't come back now, and she's an adult so You cant stop her, you stupid old fool".
"Oh I think she will".
"I don't like the sound of that what are you planning".
"Well if she won't come back I'll threaten to sell Ghost".
"You can't because she has a bill of sale so you'll get charged, anyway I'm taking Ghost with me in two days to my own place".
"I thought you were bluffing about that".
"Nope, do you want to know what happened or not Dad".
"Yeah, go on".
"So Brad turns up trying to get Ty on his side to take Amy's powers which obviously doesn't work, anyway he runs because he knows Amy's there and Amy goes after him, but as he almost reaches his car Amy turns it into bubbling liquid metal. Then he quickly disappeared Just as Amy collapsed on the grass".
"Bloody ell, was she okay".
Yeah, she Just forgot she's still recovering from her operation, anyway I'm off to bed and read before I go to sleep".
"Oh okay, goodnight".
Marion was wondering how long it would take her Dad to stop being stubborn and ask her to stay, she had the place to move to if he doesn't, but he can be so stubborn some times.
Eventually the following day Jack asks Marion not to move out, it was quicker than she thought, she was expecting it to happen as she was about to leave, but Marion had some conditions on staying.
She sat her father down and told him some home truths about his actions and how he still lives as if he's back in the 1950s.
Jack sat listening knowing he was wrong but his stubborn attitude was starting to come back again and started arguing with his Daughter.
"Okay Dad, I tried to be reasonable about this but I've had enough, I think it's better if you carry on living here at Heartland on your own in 1950. Even the Ranch looks like it did in the 1950s. I'm leaving in the morning".

The following day Jack sat on the porch as his final family member drove away.
Marion got to the place she was renting and put the horses in the Barn and fed them. Next she moved her things inside and started unpacking, she was actually looking forward to living in this cottage, all she'd known was Heartland and finally she was on her own.
Amy was sat up in bed reading some text books and had been doing some course work on line, she had to promise Ty truthfully that she would stay in bed and continue to rest and recover, she'd spell locked the front door.
Amy's phone rang and she saw it was her mum.
"Hi Mum, you okay".
"Yes love I'm fine, what are you doing".
"In Bed doing Course work and reading text books".
"Glad your taking it easy love".
"Well I had to promise to stay in bed and relax".
"Good to see Ty looking after you, is he at work Amy".
"Yeah, Just a phone call away and I've Spell Locked the front door ".
"Good, be safe sweetheart please ".
"I will. What about you Mum, Grampa didn't ask you to stay at the last minute ".
"Oh he asked the day before surprisingly but I had some conditions which he started to accept then his old Stubborn ways came back and it turned into an argument so I told him to forget it and left this morning along with the horses including Ghost of course".
"Oh thank you mum for taking him".
"Well after what he threatened to do I knew I had to".
"Oh god, what daft Idea did he have".
"Tell you to come back to Heartland or he'd sell Ghost".
"He can't he's mine, that's theft".
"That's what I told him love".
"What we going to do with him Mum".
"I have no Idea Amy, Just keep an eye on him I guess".
"Okay mum we will".
"Take care Love, give me a couple of days to sort things out then you and Ty come over for dinner, I'll let you know the day before".
"Okay, Love you Mum".
Amy put her phone down then felt a presence near the door, she walked into to the hallway and using her sight she saw who it was and he wasn't alone.
Amy threw up a forcefield around the entire apartment then phoned Eric who contacted the Hunters.
Amy could take all of them on but would rather the hunters do it as she still didn't have her strength back, plus she had a life to protect inside her, Amy was going to phone Ty but decided he was safer at work.
She looked out the window and saw them streaking through the sky, humans thankfully can't see them.
She could feel the explosions against her forcefield but it held firm.
Then all hell broke lose as the hunters attacked Brad and the six he'd brought with him as they fought back, there were explosions everywhere, she saw the front of the Stairway explode outside onto the grass, people couldn't see anyone but could see the explosions and aftermath falling around them. She felt two life forces disappear and hoped the hunters were okay, this went on for over 30 minutes then stopped.
Amy went to the window and saw Brad and four of his men shoot off into the sky then six Hunters not far behind.
Amy let out the breath she was holding not realising she was doing it then felt the Apartment shift.
From the outside it looked like a gas explosion had gone off, thankfully the downstairs residents were at work but due to the damage Ty's apartment was precariously tilting. Amy was scared to move but was trying to think where to put herself if the place collapsed, then thought of sending herself to her mums place but didn't know where she was, but before she could think of anything else the whole apartment collapsed into a pile of rubbish.

To be continued

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