Chapter Three

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They'd been to two Truck Dealers but they kept trying to pressure them to buy a new Truck on finance so they Just walked away.
On the way back Jack saw a small garage that had quite a few used Trucks so asked Marion to pull in.
Amy went round having a look and one caught her eye, there was one other which would do but she was drawn back to the other.
"Yeah mom".
"Your Grandma Lyndy left you some money, but for University only, anything you need, like a Truck".
"Oh bless her, that was so thoughtful".
"Well whatever you saved add another 5000 to it".
"Omg, thats brilliant,  so I've got 9000,
Let's hope that Blue one is less".
The owner came out and was talking to Jack who thanked him for letting them have a look around without being pestered.
Amy and Marion Joined Jack and Amy was a little disappointed when she found out it was 2000 over her budget.
"Erm, well it will have to be the other truck, this is over what I have".
"Amy, I know you've fell for this truck so I will make up the difference".
"Are you sure Grampa it's 2000".
"I'm positive Amy".
"Thank you Grampa,  thank you".
Amy threw her arm's around him and hugged.
"Besides the colour matches your eye's ".
Jack looked at the girls, "Lets go do some paperwork shall we".

Nothing else had happened for Amy over the next few days and Monday came round fast, Her first day at Uni, she left earlier than normal to drive to Calgary Just in case but still ended up being late due to road works and more traffic than she'd ever seen before.
She pulled into the car park and got her things together, she knew she was late and was dreading having to walk into her class and disrupt the Teacher.
Amy got to her locker, opened it and started putting what she didn't need for the morning classes inside when her lose paperwork fell out of her hands.
Amy automatically threw her hand out as if to try and grab them when the papers now on the floor started to put themselves back in order in a pile then shot back up into her hand within seconds.
Amy was horrified and started to look around to see if anyone saw what she did, behind her stood a young Student ( a very handsome young man ) she thought to herself.  Did he see what happened.
"You shouldn't really use your powers in this place you know"
"Shit, erm ,what are you on about".
"I saw what happened,  are you having problems controlling them, I know my sister did when she got hers".
"Look, I'm already late for my first class".
"Who do you have".
"Mrs Somerton,  why".
"Probably best to miss her class because she'll show you up infront of everyone for disrupting her Class, I had her last year so I have first hand knowledge about that".
"Oh damn it".
"Let's go sit in the garden till your next class, I'm late too so we're both in the same boat".


They both went to this Garden that was nicely set out and sat at a bench in the corner of the garden.
"Okay Amy, watch this".
About 3 feet infront of them was a flower bed with roses, Ty put his hand out after looking around and snapped a stem bringing the rose towards Amy until she took hold of it.
"You,,, you can do things as well".
"Yes Amy, your a Sorceress, a good witch, and so are my family. I'm surprised your mother has never mentioned anything to you about it. I can feel your power and believe me Amy , your very powerful but you need training to use it and control it".
"I thought witches were fiction".
"Thats why we don't show our powers and if your good then call yourself a Sorceress".
""Thanks Ty, I'll have a chat to my mother about this ".
They continued talking for some time.
"Okay Amy, we'd better get to our next class".
"Thank you, see you again I hope".
"You will, behave yourself".

When Amy got home she asked her mum if they could talk as weird things were happening to her.
"Of course we can sweetheart,  would after Dinner be okay".
"Yes mom, that's fine ".
The three of them ate dinner and Amy helped Marion clear up then they made hot drinks for the three of them.
"Right lets take the drinks in and give your Grampa his then we can sit and talk".
"Err Mom, probably best if we went outside or to the office".
"If it's what I think it's about then your Grampa already knows, always has".
"Oh, err okay".
They sat down and Amy explained what happened over the last couple of weeks,  then told her mom about today at University.
"Is he a nice young man, do you like him".
"MUM, were getting off subject here".
"Oh sorry love, Just tell me if he's nice".
"Err yes he is and easy to talk to as well".
Marion nodded with a smile on her face, Amy smiled too and looked down at her hands blushing.
"Okay sweetheart,  yes we're Sorcerers, some call us White Witches because we do not hurt people. There are some bad ones Just like there are with humans but the worst are Blood Witches who are Human but delve into Black Magic.
They are dangerous Amy as the only way they can tell if you have powers is if they see you using them".
"How are they dangerous mom".
"They will try to take you, preferably unconscious,  eventually tie you to an Alter in a thin Tunic and bound then do some Ritual before killing you.
As your power leaves your body, they will inhail it to use for whatever purpose they want until it runs out, but we do think the head of this cult is infact a Witch who just wants more power. The others can't actually feel your power unlike a true witch so we need to train you up so you can defend yourself because I can feel your power Amy and we haven't had a powerful Sorceress like you for a very long time, maybe over a thousand years.
"How do you know what they do".
"We had someone on the inside who helped to rescue the Sorceress with us, they didn't know what to do when we used our powers on them, they just ran away".

To be continued.

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