Chapter Six

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Amy switched her phone on and found 5 calls and messages from Ty so phoned him back, she explained why she couldn't answer his calls then asked him what happened.
Ty explained what Jack did, so Amy asked him if she could stay at his parents place for the next week. Ty said he'd ask and phone her back.

"Mom, it was Grampa, he kicked Ty off Heartland late last night and told him to never set foot on his land ever again". Amy was crying, so upset that he would do something like this.
"He's gone to far this time He's treating you like your still a 15 year old Teenager".
"Well I'm not going to put up with it Mom, it's my Life and he's not controlling any of it, who does he think he is".
Later Ty phoned saying that she could stop all week.

Marion had dinner cooked earlier than normal so Her and Amy had theirs ,they both washed up and then Amy went to pack her case for tomorrow after telling Marion she was going to Ty's as he wasn't welcome here.
Jack walks in not knowing that they know what he did.
Amy walks in and Jack looks at her.
"I think your so called boyfriend ran off last night Amy, your probably better off without him".
"Is that right grampa, or would it have to do with you kicking him off the Ranch after you packed up his stuff while he was asleep".
"Look Amy, your to young to be dating you need to finish your studies and graduate before you start thinking about boys".
"BOY'S,,,,, He's a young man of 21 not a young boy, and how dare you interfere in my Life, Lou left because you ruined everything for her future she had mapped out, well your not going to mess with mine, your my Grandfather NOT my father, and I'm going to bed as I have a busy day tomorrow".
"What you doing tomorrow ".
" Nothing that concerns you, goodnight Mom".
"Goodnight sweetheart ".

"You dam fool, do you think I'm going to let you try and do to Amy what you did to Lou, Amy will not put up with it she's stronger than Lou, oh and Amy got her phone back".
"A locater spell, and I'm going to bed too. We've had our Dinner, yours is in the oven, goodnight".
The following morning Amy was up and packed,
"Morning Mom".
"Good morning Amy, did Ty say how long you can stay".
"Yes I'm going there till Friday and I'll be back in the afternoon, I can't believe the change in Grampa since I started dating Ty".
"He did the same to Lou, then when Scott finished things because of your Grampa she left for New York ".
"He's acting like I'm a young teenager not a young woman".
"He has old fashioned morals and I've told him time and again that those ideal's of his are out of date, he was like it when me and your father were dating".
"Well I'm not going to put up with it, me and Ty aren't stupid and I have already planned it out, if were still together in four years when I've graduated and if he asks me to marry him, I will because I'll be 23 or 24 by then".
"I told him you had your head screwed on right, he doesn't like change and your grown up, going to University and Dating a young man. All he see's is a young you needing him".
Well he needs to understand that I won't stand for it, I'm going for a ride with Ghost then I'm going to say goodbye to the horses till Friday, see you later mom".
"Be safe love".
"Will do ".

Amy was out for 2 hours giving Ghost some well deserved exercise, she knew her mom would look after him while she was at Ty's.
When Amy got back she untacked Ghost and gave him a good brush then fed him and gave him a bit more fuss, Jack appeared coming out of the office.
"Good ride Amy".
"Yes it was fresh but nice, I'm surprised you didn't follow me incase I was meeting up with all these Lovers I've got".
"Don't be like that Amy, I'm Just looking out for you".
"NO,, your trying to control my life and I, unlike Lou will not stand for it. So back off now Grampa, I've said it before and I'm saying it again , I'm not a 15 year old Teenager, I'll see you Friday".
Amy walked out the back of the barn with Jack following shouting at her but Amy wasn't even Listening and walked straight back to the house.
"Good Trail ride Amy".
"Yeah, it was nice till grampa walked in the barn and started saying he was Just looking out for me, so I let him have it I'm afraid, sorry mom".
Marion walked up to Amy and put her arms around her.
"You have nothing to be sorry about sweetheart, I knew this would happen as soon as you started noticing the young men out there, I've already put your bags on the rear seat of your truck".
"Awe thanks mom , let's have a coffee then I'll get on my way".
Jack walks in while Amy and Marion are talking but after the encounter in the barn he doesn't say anything, he makes himself a coffee and goes in the Lounge to sit.
"Right, I'm going to make a move mum, I'll see you Friday afternoon ".
"Okay Love, you have a nice time".
Amy walks out and Marion follows giving Amy a hug and a kiss on her cheek. Amy's on her way to her truck when Jack comes out and walks towards Amy.
"Where are you going ".
"Mum knows where I'm going Grampa, as long as mum is okay with it that's all you need to know".
"Your going to him aren't you".
"What is wrong with you Grampa, I'm allowed to have a life you know".
"It's about what you'll get up to when your there with him".
Jack goes to grab her keys but Amy instinctively threw up her shield causing Jack to get a kick back when he touched it.
"DAD,,,, leave her alone".
"I can't believe you think I'm going to Jump in bed with Ty the first chance we get, what do you think I am a slut.
I don't know Ty well enough for a start, also I do not feel ready for that sort of a relationship.
When I do feel ready to move our relationship forward you will never know because that is MY business, it's personal and nothing to do with you.
As you keep saying Grampa *Your house your rules*, well *My Body my Rules*, got it".
Amy gets in her truck drops her shield and drives off.

To be continued

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