Chapter Ten

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6 Month's Later

It was now April and Amy was in her Third year of Vet School, she was way ahead of most of the other students and her Professor had told her she was going to be an Amazing Veterinary Doctor.
Ty's Job was going well and had already been promoted.
Amy was still working after her daily classes for two hours and Saturday mornings then she would go and see Ty till Sunday morning. Ty would come over in the evenings for a couple of hours, and Jack had warmed to Ty more since there engagement.
Amy still practiced her Magic and Marion had noticed that Amy was becoming more powerful as time went on.

This particular Saturday Ty had gone to see Lilly as he did once a month for the Day, so when Amy got home from the Clinic at lunchtime she told her mom she was taking Ghost for a Trail ride for about three hours and would see her later.
Amy had been just about everywhere when she felt a sting in her back and wondered what had stung her.
Jack came in later and Marion didn't realise what the time was.
"What time is it Dad".
"Er coming up to 5.30 why".
"Is Amy back".
"No, there was no sign of Ghost in the Barn is Amy late Marion".
"Yes, an hour late".
"Let's tack up and go looking for her then".

Marion and Jack had been searching for over two hours when Marion spotted Ghost, they both rode over and grabbed his reins.
He wasn't injured so Marion tried her phone again, it had rung before but Amy never answered, Jack sat up straight .
"I can hear her phone Marion, that direction ".
They got very close then Jack saw it in the grass, but he also saw something else.
"Marion, phone the Police".
"Why, what's wrong ".
Jack stood up holding Amy's phone but in his other hand he held up a Tranquilliser Dart by its fluffy end that's fired from a rifle.".
"OMG, NO!!!!".
Marion got down and put the items back on the ground using a tissue, took photos then wrapped them up and put them in her saddle bag.
As they got back they saw Ty sat on the porch.
As they walked towards the house Ty saw Ghost but no Amy and Marion in tears, Ty stood up and ran towards them as two Police cars approached.
"Marion, what's wrong, where's Amy".
"She's been sedated and taken".
"What, how'd they get close enough".
Jack then answered as Marion was to upset.
"Rifle Dart Ty , cowards used a rifle, would you help Marion into the house please".
"Yeah, no problem ".
Jack walked in with the police and they sat around the kitchen Table.
Marion showed them the photos of Ghost where they found him and the phone and Tranc Dart, Jack lay them on the Table and the police put them in Evidence Bags.
Luckily the two officers were also Witches and part of the Calab, Marion explained how special Amy was and why it had been kept quiet.
"Marion, Amy is the second witch to go missing, Vancouver lost a Witch last month, she was found outside Calgary stabbed through the Heart and wearing a white ceremonial outfit, It's been quiet for a long time and now it's happening again, can you try to locate her, we tried but it's beyond our ability".
"Yes, we'll try".
"Okay, we will get these checked for finger prints ".


Two days had gone by and so far no one has been able to find Amy meaning there was a Witch in charge of the Blood Witches as only a witch could put up a shield so no one could detect Amy's Power.
When Amy started to wake up she fought the men that had her, she tried to use her magic but she was still too sedated, unfortunately they beat her until one hit her so hard he knocked her out.
Ty was still at Heartland and walked into the kitchen for a coffee when he saw Marion stood on the porch looking at the moon, he walked outside.
"Only two more days Ty and its a full moon".
"Full moon".
"Yes Ty, that's when they'll sacrifice her for her powers".
Marion burst into tears and Ty held her with tears in his own eyes.

Amy was waking slowly when she felt a sharp sting and she fell back to sleep. They were told to keep her sedated as she was very powerful and would kill them all.
While Amy was sedated she actually saw Grandma Lyndy or it was a dream, "Amy, you have to try and fight the sedation , put a shield over your heart, prepare to Teleport to hospital.
The following day Amy was semi conscious and managed eventually to put a shield around her heart remembering her dream but her powers were weak, she felt like she'd been in a boxing match, her head and face hurt, then two robed men came in with masks on, one was trying to grab ahold of her arms and amy was concentrated on him, she managed to punch him but he punched her back which made her disorientated and the other Jabbed her with the Syringe, Amy didn't fully go to sleep but acted as if she did.
After they'd gone she felt inside herself and found the shield still in place but she was not feeling as if she was attached to her body and felt giddy, eventually she fell asleep.

It was the day of the full moon and the police had no luck with the finger prints. Jack, Marion and Ty were a mess as they could only assume that whoever had Amy was keeping her sedated otherwise she would of escaped by now.
Amy was semi conscious when they came for her, but everything felt as if she was in a dream. The next thing Amy realised she was on a hard surface with her hands tied above her head and her feet tied to the end of the Alter, she felt inside and the shield was still there, she opened her eyes and tears were falling down the sides of her face in shear terror of what she saw. A person in black robes with a Goats head mask over there head with a dagger raised in the air chanting as they brought it down.
Amy screamed which seemed to awaken her powers as the Dagger hit her shield but it glanced to the right stabbing her in her right breast and into her lung, Amy thought Hospital and she Teleported finding herself
outside the A & E on the pathway.

To be continued

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