Chapter Fifteen

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Back at Heartland Amy felt so much safer, Jack hugged her carefully and she went to bed as the Doctor ordered.
Marion hasn't told Jack about the baby yet so tonight she will.
Marion set to making Dinner, Chicken Casserole one of Amy's favourites.
After Dinner Amy went back to bed after taking her medication which kicked in quickly and she was soon fast asleep and she would probably sleep till mid morning.
Ty went off to find the healer for Amy's Rib.
"Dad, we need to talk".
"Uh Uh, I can tell this is either something I won't agree with or something I'm going to get angry about".
"Probably both, but I'm okay with it and as her Mother that's all that matters as far as I'm concerned.
Amy's Probably dead to the world by now and will be till mid morning,  Ty's gone off to find a healer who can knit her Rib back together so this is a good time to talk.
This morning Amy was attacked and the Witch attacked her with an energy bolt which hit her, but she managed to throw one back just as his hit her, Amy killed him with one blow.
The Doctor was able to stop the bleeding and then Ty healed her,,,
"Where was Ty" Ty was at the Cafeteria getting drinks, but this Witch had masked his power so he looked like any other Doctor Dad".
"That's why she's home I take it".
"Yes, she's safer here with us".
"This photo is the nurse who will come every day at different times,  no one else unless the Doctor phones to inform us".
"Okay, So what won't I like or agree with Marion ".
"I'm Just going to say it, I'm going to be a Grandma and you a Great Grandfather".
"WHAT,,, She's pregnant".
"Yes Dad and before you start spewing accusations Amy was on birth control so I can only surmise that her powers had something to do with it and MY Daughter is almost 22 yrs old Dad".
"Yes, and unmarried ".
"Oh grow up for god sake Dad".

A month Later and Amy was doing most of her courses on-Line as they used the excuse that someone tried to kill her, they told her she could catch up on practical when she was recovered.
Eric had also been in touch with news about Amy's pregnancy.
"Hello Marion,  well I've found something very interesting about why Amy fell pregnant ".
"Was it her Magic".
"Yes it was, and there's a reason".
"Oh, right, her magic couldn't wait till she was married".
"Oh Shut Up Dad".
"Go on Eric, please excuse my father ".
"Fair enough ( Eric waves his hand).
So first of all this baby is Special,  very Special, because of who Amy is her Magic has found a match as it were, her egg and Ty's sperm to create another like Amy. It's rare but has been known to happen, that's why her contraception didn't work, her magic took over".
Jack was trying to say something but no sound was coming out, Marion burst out laughing.
"I think you can let him speak now eric".
"Okay, it was quiet though".
"So there's going to be another like Amy is, you know powerful".
"Yes dad , but not till she's 16 to 18 years old ".
"A she, your sure".
" In our family Yes, we still don't know why".
"I think I can answer that Marion".
"Of course you can".
"As I was saying, (Jack put his hands up) it's because your bloodline produces Sorceresses with the power like Amy's, and for Amy to be pregnant with another from herself is remarkable".
"Well Dad that answers your question about why only the Women in this family have powers and I think Amy and Ty will be so happy about this".
Straight away Marion looks at Jack as if to say , You Dare say anything.

Amy came out of her room after finishing her course work, she didn't hear anything as she had her earbuds in listening to music.
"Eric, hi. I need your help with an invisible Shield,  mine glow and I can't have that walking around University  can I".
"Let's go outside, it's quite easy, You Just need to do two things, as you do it more your magic will remember and do it automatically, come on.
Right , put your shield up. Now you know how to make yourself invisible so Just think about the shield being invisible".
Amy tried three times but each time she went invisible,  but she concentrated on the shield not herself and it worked.
How do I know it's there".
Eric threw a small spell at her and it hit the shield.
"There you go".
"So easy".
"It's just the way you have to think about it that's all, if you can't do anything in one go then split it in two".
"Ahh I get it Now, thank you Eric".

Back in the house they sat down.
"So do you have something to tell me".
If Mum's already told you which I know she has, then No I don't Grampa".
"Oh right, so you expect me to be okay about you being pregnant , not married and living under my Roof".
"You know what Grampa, keep your dam Roof to yourself, even though I'm still recovering from my operation I'll Just move in with Ty".
Amy got up and went to her room to pack.
"What the hell Dad, she's not over the operation yet, well tomorrow I'm looking for my own place and as Amy said, keep ya dam roof for yourself ".
Jack sat there thinking why he couldn't Just keep his mouth shut, he always came back to his old way of thinking. He got up and went to the barn, about 30mins later he saw Amy drive away even though he knew she shouldn't be driving yet. Then he punched one of the Barn supports.

To be continued.

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