Chapter Sixteen

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Ty was in his kitchen making a drink when there was a knock on the door.
He looked through the spy hole and saw a tearful Amy so opened the door and held her.
Amy told Ty what happened and asked if she could spend the night till she could sort something out.
"You don't need to Amy, live with me, we are having a baby together and eventually were getting married and I Love you okay".
Amy put her arms around Ty's waist sobbing , she was so relieved.
She sent a text to her mum to say that Ty asked her to live with him.

Jack walked in and and saw no Dinner was cooked, he went to grab a coffee and there wasn't any made. So he went to the fridge to make a sandwich and there was nothing there. He sat down with his head in his hands.
"What's up Dad".
"What do ya mean what's up.
There's no Dinner ready, no coffee made and nothing in the fridge ".
"Well get used to it because when I move out at the end of the week , Yes I've found somewhere to live, this will be like this every day on your own, so get used to it dad".
Marion went to Ty's to have dinner with him and Amy as she hadn't had a chance to tell them what Eric found out.
They were Just starting Dinner and Marion had already updated them on the news of how special this child was. Ty felt so proud to be a part of this and his and Amy's responsibility to raise a next generation Sorceress.
There was a knock at the door.
Ty looked through the Spy hole and saw Brad.
"It's my father, what the hells he doing here".
"I'll put an invisible Shield up , Just don't let him try to walk in"
Amy and Marion stayed in the Lounge but invisible and Marion did a spell so they could hear what Brad was saying.
Ty opened door but stayed in the doorway.
"What do you want Dad".
"Can I come in".
"I don't think so, Hunters are looking for you, I don't want them sensing you in my place".
"Fair enough ".
"So why are you here".
"Your girlfriend son, do you know how much power she has".
"Yes Dad I know".
"So let's work together and have half her powers each, imagine how powerful you'd be".
"So I'd be powerful but without the woman I love ".
"There's plenty more women out there, you could have your pick Ty".
"I Love her Dad and I wouldn't hurt a single hair on her head ".
"Your a fool boy".
"No I'm not, your mad, your Greedy and you don't care how many you kill. I hope the Hunters find you soon"
"I'll get her, you think I don't know she's here, I can sense her Ty".
"Well you can't come in".
You gonna stop me".
"I don't need to".
Brad stood there looking at the doorway, he couldn't see or feel a shield, but if she's here she could of put one on the door, he knew she was still learning so threw a small spell at Ty and the shield threw it back at him but he'd already moved out the way then ran off knowing she was getting more powerful and he was going to need more help.
Amy ran after him, she knew she could beat him, unfortunately she forgot she was still recovering from her operation but got outside and saw him heading for his car, she scanned for any lives in the car which was empty and threw a bright ball which hit Just before he got to it and Brad saw his car melt into a puddle of iron. Brad looked back knowing he was out matched and disappeared.
Amy collapsed to her knees totally out of breath as Ty and Marion got to her helping her back into the apartment.
"Amy, what were you thinking, you need to get your strength back and give your body time to heal".
"I know mum but I'm more powerful than he is".
"You will be Amy your mum's right you need to heal, I saw his face and he was scared at how powerful you are, but heal first. Your powers are still growing, he can never be more powerful than you are unless he has help".
"I know Ty , he got me so angry , there is one thing he can't escape from but I don't know if I dare use it".
"What is that Amy".
"It's the Arrow of Fire".
Ty saw the look on Marion's face.
Amy finally passed out so Ty carried her to bed.
When he came back in he sat in front of Marion.
"Marion, what's the Arrow of Fire ".
"Deadly Ty, It's Death".
"She's worried because he's my Father, is that it".
"Partly Ty, it's also living with the knowledge that you took someone's life".
"Does she know how to create it".
"Oh yes Ty, she can create the Bow and Arrow and Fire it in less than 5 seconds, but he's your father and I think she's worried it will destroy what you two have".
"Let's put it this way Marion, he's tried to kill her for her power , tried to kill her at the Hospital, and tried to get me to Join him. Who do I want to Live,, Amy of course, she means everything to me. If Amy has no choice then she has to use it, how many more innocent women will he kill just for power".
"Then you need to tell her this Ty, she needs your approval to use it. She'll use it against those helping him because she doesn't know them, but she does know your dad and your Mum".
"Well Mum kicked him out because of what a danger he posed to Amy, so I think whatever happens will happen, he can't be allowed to kill anymore".

To be continued

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