Chapter Eleven

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Amy was still semi-conscious laying in a pool of her own blood, eventually she heard a Scream then a minute later the sound of running and people around her, she was lifted up and put on a trolley which then started moving forward quickly, she heard someone shout *Ready OR 4 for an Emergency *, Amy let her shield go around her heart and felt the cold disc where a doctor was checking her heart rate. A doctor asked a nurse to cover the handle of the knife with a plastic bag and seal it.
Amy then felt the presence of a nurse near her head, "Amy" She managed to whisper as it was difficult to breath with only one Lung.
"Is that your name love".
Amy nodded. Then started to whisper a number which the nurse wrote down.
"Is this a phone number".
Again Amy nodded.
"Mother is Marion.
"Okay Love I'll phone your mother".
Then a Doctor noticed she was wearing a white thin gown, her wrists were still tied up and so were her ankles so asked
" What happened to you ".
Now Amy had said that she relaxed and let the darkness claim her.
The Doctor looked horrified, and asked someone to phone the police which a nurse said she'd already done it.
They'd already stabilised Amy ready to operate when the same police officer who was a fellow Scorerer walked in and asked to very quickly see Amy before she goes to OR.
When he saw the state she was in he felt sorry for Amy and the family .
He saw the Dagger and now knew for certain what killed the others. He thanked them and said he'd hang around.
Amy was then rushed up to Operating Room 4.

The Officer whose name was Carl walked to the A & E desk.
"Has anyone Phoned that young Ladys Family yet her names Amy Fleming ".
" I was about to do it Officer ".
"It's okay, I'll phone them, I'm a friend of the family ".
"Okay thank you".

Marion and Jack and Ty were sat at the kitchen table, each was thinking the worst and all three had teary eyes.
Suddenly the phone rang and Fear gripped Marion and Ty as Jack answered the phone.
"Hello Carl, have you found her, hang on while I put this on speaker, okay Carl".
"Hi Marion, Ty, well yes I've found Amy and sorry to say that she's in a bad way but Alive".
"Oh thank god, where is she Carl ".
Calgary Hospital Marion , Amy must of been able to Teleport herself,  apparently she was found on the floor Just outside A & E but there was blood everywhere, I managed to see her before she was rushed to surgery. I honestly don't know how someone could do what they did to a young woman, so be prepared when you get here, I'll be waiting for you".

They arrived at the Hospital an Hour later and Carl was waiting for them ,he immediately took them through to a private room and closed the door.
"How is she Carl?".
"Still in OR, Take a seat Marion and I can go into more detail ".
The room had two large Sofa's and a couple of Armchairs.
"When I came in to see her I could still see remnants of magic around the
Heart area which means that at some point she was able to shield her heart but the Dagger glanced off and he stabbed her in the right side of her chest.
They did blood work and found she'd been sedated".
(Ty)" Probably because they knew she could destroy them all, hang on, that means someone knew who she was and only another Witch would know that".
"Your right Ty, I've suspected that there leader is probably another Witch, now when she got stabbed she was able to Teleport herself here and when the team got to her the ropes she was tied up with came with her including the Dagger which was still buried in her chest".
"What sort of Dagger Carl".
"Jack, it was a ceremonial Dagger with Jewels encrusted on the hilt".
"Do you have a photo of it or have it in an evidence bag".
"Yes Ty, here it is".
Marion burst into tears when she saw all her daughters blood on it.
"Carl, my father has a collection of Ceremonial Daggers and this one looks familiar, mum told him to get them out the house and I haven't seen them since".
"Well I'm taking this to forensics to see if we can get a print off it, but thank you for the information Ty".
"Amy said Brad attacked her while at your place Ty for no reason and kept asking about her powers ".
"Yes he did Marion, I told him to stop but Amy decided to leave, but I think he threw a spell at her to see if she'd retaliate, which she did, she sent him through the length of the house, through our Patio glass door and out of the garden into the woods behind our property ".
"What, that must of got his attention, I'm not saying it's him Ty".
"That's fine, he's been acting weird for some time".

The Doctor eventually came through the door asking if they were Amy Fleming's Family.
They followed him to a room and all sat.
Right, Amy was stabbed very deeply and given what I've been told they were aiming for her heart which would of killed her instantly, but they still did a lot of damage. We've repaired her Lung but also part of her spleen was damaged due to the Dagger being curved, thats been repaired also.
Whoever stabbed her used a lot of force, the hilt of the Dagger broke one of her ribs. We've given her 5 pints of Blood and she's on the last bag now.
Amy will recover but were talking months not weeks
Mrs Fleming, do you have any questions".
"How many months do you think it will take, as she's in University ".
"A couple of Months for her to get over the physical damage and probably a month of therapy after what she's been through. There was one other thing you may not be aware of, Amy was beaten up, I would have to guess and say daily, one of the punches she took was so hard it fractured one of her Vertebra in her neck, so she'll have to wear a soft collar for about 6 weeks.
She's a very lucky young woman.
Amy's in room 110, I'm sure you'd like to see her, Just be careful with all the equipment please".
"Thank you for everything Doctor ".
The Doctor left them to make there own way to see Amy.

To be continued

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