Chapter Fourteen

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As Amy was waking up the doctor left leaving Ty sat by her side holding her hand.
"Ty!!! ".
"Amy, please forgive my foolishness, I should not have left you alone like that, I Love You and this Baby and the 10 if you want I was Just scared of being responsible for another life, I was actually almost at the Hospital when they phoned to say what had happened ".
"Wow, you said all that without actually taking a breath".
"I've healed your wounds".
Amy looked and there was nothing there.
"Thank you". Amy leaned forward and kissed him, "Your forgiven my love, I hoped it was the shock of finding out".
"Yeah, it did knock me sideways a bit but now I'm looking forward to this little one, what about University ".
"They have a Nursery Ty, even for babies".
"Brilliant , better look for a 2 bed apartment then lol".
"Err, we better phone Mum".

Marion turned up and entered the room walking up to Ty and then slapped him across the face but not hard.
"You idiot, what did I say about abandoning my Daughter, has she forgiven you".
"Yes and I'm really sorry Marion ".
"Okay, this is your first AND Last time yes".
"Yes it is, promise ".
Just then the Doctor came in to do a quick check up on Amy.
"How are you feeling Amy".
"Not to bad but I have a bit of belly ache "
"Let's take a look at you then, tell me if I hit any soreness okay".
He pulled her sheet down a little way and gently started pressing her abdomen, as he moved his hands down he moved the sheet lower when Amy made a noise, he looked where he was pressing and looked to his left where on the sheet he saw blood. The Doctor pulled the sheet back and suggested a Scan to make sure the baby was alright.
"Amy, I don't want you to worry but your bleeding a little bit, so let's do a scan and check up on baby, it does happen sometimes okay".
The Doctor left and Amy burst into tears, Marion held her praying that everything will be OK, even Ty came round the other side of the bed with tears in his eyes too and sat next to her with his arm around her.

A short time later the Doctor came back pushing an Ultrasound machine in and two nurses, one pushing a trolley with clean bedding and personal cleaning things for Amy.
"Right let's put some of this lovely cold gel on you Amy".
He started moving the wand around and adjusting the controls, Amy couldn't hear anything and Marion and Ty could see the fear in Amy's eye's, Ty was sat by her holding her hand when the Doctor looked at them both with no expression on his face then he flicked a switch and a heartbeat filled the air, Amy was crying out of relief and Ty kissed her".
"If you could give us the room for a while, perhaps go and have a drink and maybe bring one back for Amy, I'm sure she could do with one yes Amy, (Amy nodded),and we will get her sorted and cleaned up. Give us 30 minutes ".
"Okay Doctor, see you in a while Amy"


"Now the've gone , how are you really doing Amy".
"Scared, being here in Hospital I feel so vulnerable like what happened earlier".
"Okay, we'll let the nurses clean you up, and one will stay while I check you properly, down below and your chest wound . If I'm happy with everything I'll let you go home where your safer. Tell me, do you think your Mother or Fiance would have the power they need to repair your Rib bone, it would speed up your recovery time".
Amy Just looked at him.
"It's okay Amy, Ty explained everything to me and I want you to be safe and be able to recover quickly okay".
"Okay, I know someone who does have the power needed to knit it back together ".
"Good, do it , now let's get you cleaned up first, I'll be back in fifteen minutes"
The nurses started cleaning up and one took the sheet away, 10 minutes later she returned and helped Amy to the shower while they remade her bed

At the Cafeteria Ty and Marion were sat talking.
"Marion, what happened with the dead body do you know".
"Carl gave the Doctor his number and explained that this was an unusual case to do with a Sect and to call him if anything happened so that's what the Doctor did and Carl dealt with it".
"Oh thats a relief. What do you think about Amy bleeding but still being pregnant".
"I expect from what I saw she had a miscarriage, probably a twin that died or didn't even develop, as there's only ever been one heartbeat, butI think the Doctor will either confirm or deny it or won't say anything. We'll have to wait. But you do have a healthy baby there Ty, I can't wait to meet this little one ".
"Me too, as long as Amy's fine".
Ty and Marion had been back about 10 minutes, Amy look as beautiful as ever according to Ty's comment to her and Amy blushed.
The Doctor walked in with some women's clothes in his arms and laid them on the bed.
"Right Amy I have some news for you which will explain why you had a bleed. Normally as a Fetus grows the heart will start beating at about 6 weeks, now on your scans we only ever picked up one heartbeat so I've been going through them at a higher resolution and noticed another Sac which was much smaller than the other, we also checked the blood clots on the sheet. It seems that you were having twins but one stopped growing before the heart was fully developed, basically you had a miscarriage where the body ejected the dead fetus allowing the other to carry on developing, your baby is fine and very healthy, I'm sorry for your loss of the other one ".
"Thank you Doctor, I didn't know that could happen".
"Well, what we talked about you being safer at home is fine with me, I'll have a nurse come out every day to change your bandage, it will always be the same nurse okay, so if anyone else turns up unless I personally phone is not ours. As you have no clothes I found these in the lost property which are clean, so you can wear them to go home".
"Thank you so much".
"Your welcome, I'll see you in 6 weeks for a check up, and Ty don't forget to get that Rib repaired ".
Ty nodded and the Doctor left.
Marion helped Amy get dressed and they left to go home.

To be continued

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