Chapter Eighteen

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Emergency services were at the scene quickly, Ty got a call from one of his neighbours to say there'd been an Explosion at his and the ground floor apartment sending him running for his Truck. As he was driving he phoned Marion and she too was on her way.
Marion and Ty arrived at the same time and ran for what was left of the two apartments only to be held back by officials.
"This was my Apartment and my Fiancée was in there".
He got on his radio to inform the rescue Team that one person was in the apartment at the time of the Explosion.
Everything went suddenly quiet as whistle's rang out.
The one in charge told the team there could be a survivor in the ruble, and they all started searching.
Marion used her sight and saw so much magic everywhere showing her that there had been a battle here earlier.
"Ty, use your sight and see what I'm seeing".
Ty did and couldn't believe how much power had been expended upon his apartment which would mean his father attacked.
Marion's phone rang and she saw it was Eric.
"Omg Eric, Ty's apartment is destroyed and Amy was inside".
"Marion, Amy phoned me and was desperate because Brad was There with 6 of his men so I sent the Hunters after Brad, there was a hell of a battle, Brad lost two of his men and the hunters lost three, they went after him but called it off eventually as Brad was to powerful, is Amy alright".
"We don't know, there searching for her now amongst the ruble".

Amy woke to find herself under the upturned sofa, she was cut and bruised but could just see some Light above her to the right so started to reach up to see how far she could get her arm up there, she kept pushing her arm up but it was getting more cut as she pushed it up, eventually she was through and left her arm where it was as she fell back into darkness she was so tired.
Ty and Marion were scouring the ruble when Marion saw Red, she looked closer and saw a hand.
"Hey you with the radio, look over there, an arm and hand covered in blood, look over there".
The official looked but took him a while until he saw Amy's arm.
He radioed through telling them where to look and they all rushed over.
Twenty minutes later they were pulling Amy out onto a stretcher and towards the Ambulance.
"Marion you go with her I'll meet you at the Hospital".

Marion and Ty were sat waiting when a Doctor came out.
"Amy Fleming ".
They stood and walked over to her.
"Hello, I'm Doctor Taylor and your relationship to Miss Fleming ".
"Mother and Fiance".
"Okay, well she's very lucky, that Sofa protected her, shes very bruised, cuts and abrasions but apart from that she's alright, obviously she's still recovering from her operation but you can take her home and she can have reasonable hot baths to ease the aches and pains and normal pain killers as she's pregnant".
"Thank you Doctor"
"Well I can't take her home as it's destroyed".
"You and Amy can stay with me, I have plenty of room".
"You sure Marion ".
"Of course I am".
"Thank you, I'll need to go back and salvage some Clothes".

Jack was sat in the kitchen having a drink and the radio was on when he heard the news about an Explosion in an apartment block and they found a young woman survivor named Amy Fleming.
Marion and Ty were still waiting for Amy to be discharged when Marion's phone started ringing.
Marion answered and walked a little way from Ty as she answered.
A while later Amy came out and was discharged by a nurse, then Ty informed Amy they were both staying with Marion at her cottage.
Jack was pleased that Amy only had scrapes and bruises but he still felt Quilty because if it wasn't for him she would of been at Heartland where he knew it was safer for her for the second time.

Amy and Ty had been at Marion's for three weeks and Amy was starting to show, Marion came in the Lounge with hot drinks and Buiscits.
"Listen you two, I know you still have 2 yrs at University Amy, and Ty's working, you also work part time, Ty you said when you asked me for Amy's hand that you weren't in a Rush to get married, but I think given you have a baby on the way and also Amy your Grampa would feel better, I think you should get married, it would bond your powers also, what do you both think".
Amy looked at Ty and he looked at her, Amy gave a slight nod as if to agree and Ty smiled.
"I told Ty I would marry him anytime, anywhere he liked, so I'm happy to get married".
"I think given the circumstances it's a great Idea".
"Brilliant, now would you both be okay getting married at Heartland, I know your Grampa would love you to and I think given the circumstances it would be safer, is that okay".
They both looked at each other and nodded yes.
"Okay, so when is the question ".
"Would 3 weeks be too soon mom".
Amy looked at Ty to see if he was okay with that and he nodded.
"3 weeks sounds fine to me love".
"Right ,well we better get started then".

Marion phoned Jack and he was delighted, they spoke for some time and Jack asked if they were all safe.
Eric had ordered the Hunters to protect the family instead of going after Brad and his followers, so unseen to human eyes they covered the cottage where they were living.
Amy was recovering well and getting her strength back but was starting to become concerned about her mental state of mind, she'd been hearing whispers, like talking but nothing she could discern or make out.
This had been going on for about a week and Amy was worried it maybe Brad trying to either contact her or frighten her.
Ty had noticed a change and she was restless during the night so he had a word with Marion.

"Amy sweetheart, come and have a seat, what's troubling you Love".

To be continued

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