Chapter Twelve

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Two days later Amy was still unconscious which the Doctor explained was due to them keeping her Sedated considering what she'd been through and the loss of Blood. While Ty, Marion, and Jack were with her he popped in to show them a photo of the dagger and explained how it caused the damage. He also told them that he would keep Amy as she is for 7 days then allow her to wake up herself naturally.
The Family decided not to leave Amy on her own and one of them would always be with her, then friends joined in saying they'd help too, also the Calab Joined in telling Marion that as they had powers they would second whoever was on duty so there would always be two.
This made marion feel so much better as she and Ty were worried that they would come for her again  Marion couldn't wait to talk to Amy about how she found the strength to Teleport to the Hospital.
It had been 7 Days and the Doctor had stopped giving Amy the sedation drug the day before so now it was up to Amy when she woke up, by lunch time Ty and Marion had taken over the next shift and noticed small movements from Amy showing that she was becoming more conscious as the day went on.
Amy knew they were there  she could sense them and now she sensed someone else in the room, they were getting closer but her Mom and Ty hadn't made a move to stop them. Amy's magic sensed the danger and threw up a strong Shield and threw a nudging spell at Ty and her Mom which woke them up,  they stood and both fired magic at Brad who fired back but Amy's subconscious put up a shield in front of the two people she loves the most, it went on for some time until Ty made a direct hit on his father who quickly ran off.
Ty went off after him but he was already gone  Ty looked at the floor seeing blood and followed it back into Amy's room.
They'd hurt him but not stopped him,  Ty phoned Carl and told him what happened and that it was his Father,  Carl thanked him and told Ty they'd not been able to lift a print from the dagger.
"Marion,  how the hell did Amy put those shields up if she's still unconscious".
"I'm not sure Ty, I can only guess it's the same way she saved herself, her Powers must be linked to her Subconscious as well, it must of sensed him when he came in the room and threw the shield up to protect herself".
" And us !! ".
"Same thing I suppose, she sensed us here and wanted to protect us too".
Cleaners came in to clean up after Marion explained that there was a fight when someone came in to try and kill Amy and the police had been informed.
Later in the Afternoon Amy started to wake up much to Ty and Marion's relief.  When Amy saw her Mum and Ty her emotions broke and started sobbing  she put her arms out and Marion quickly held her then she wanted Ty to hold her.
After a while Amy had settled down,  she explained that she could sense them here and when the intruder walked in, but it was her powers that protected them not her.
Marion asked her how she Teleported to hospital,
"When I looked up and saw the dagger coming down to me I screameď,  I've never felt so frightened   and hoped my shield would protect my Heart, I think that because I was terrified that it forced my powers to act against the sedation they'd been giving me  and when I felt the dagger go into my right side it hurt so much I Just thought of getting to hospital and then the next thing I knew I was outside A & E then everything went foggy".
"Well your safe now Love".
"I know I am, but, oh god".
"Amy, whats wrong sweetheart ".
"Oh Mum, all those sedation injections they gave me while I was being held, then the blood loss  and more drugs for the operation".
"Amy love, what's wrong".
Amy looked at her mom then Ty, then grabbed both of there hands.
"When I realised I was on that Alter I thought about never getting married, living a happy life with Ty but what frightened me the most was never being able to give birth to our Baby Ty".
"Wait, What".
"Mum,  yes I'm Pregnant, or am I anymore after all those drugs, I dont know Mom,Ty".
Amy burst into tears and Ty held her while Marion went to look for some help. Later she came back with the Doctor who had ordered tests and a scan.
A couple of hours later the Doctor walked in".
"Amy your baby is fine, everything came back normal and your About 9 weeks,  congratulations".
Amy smiled and looked at Ty who didn't say anything and then looked at her Mom who was crying.
"Mum, I'm sorry, I'm on birth control so I don't know how".
"Amy, I'm  going to be a Grandma again".
"Your not angry".
"Why would I be angry sweetheart, your a grown woman and I can't wait to meet this little one".
"What about you Ty you've not said anything, I don't know how this happened, the birth control injections are 99% effective,  I go regularly every 12 weeks , Ty!!!!".
"I'll go and get us some drinks,  back in a minute ".
After Ty left the room Amy started crying   "I don't think he's pleased Mom, what am I going to do! ".
"Hey, you've got me and Grampa and your friends,  Ty will come round  he's probably trying to come to terms that he's going to be a father,  I'll go and give him a hand".
Marion winked at Amy  as she walked out.

Ty, what's going on with you, Your Fiancee is crying thinking you don't want this but accidents happen Ty, you two have been sleeping and living together for almost two and a half years while Amy was in residence and at your apartment so it was only a matter of time".
"Plus we don't know if her Subconscious Magic had anything to do with it ".
"What does that mean".
"We don't know Ty,  No one has been born so powerful in over 700 years and the last one was a direct descendent of Amy's Bloodline and her life and Your child's are still in Danger from your Father who's acting Just like they did 700 yrs ago, Do not abandon her if you truly love her Ty, your going to be a father whether you like it or not, Don't get me a coffee because I need to get home. I'll see you later and tell Amy I Love her so much".

To be continued

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