Chapter Five

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Amy got up and dressed then came into the kitchen, she could feel the tension in the air but paid no attention to it.
"Good morning Amy sleep well ".
"Yes thanks mom, any sign of Ty yet".
"Urgh, yeah I'm here, morning everyone ".
Amy walk up to Ty and put her arms around his waist and kissed him .
"Good morning handsome, did you sleep well ".
"Less of that in the house Amy".
"What are you saying Grampa that I can't kiss Ty good morning ".
"Yes, my house, my rules".
"Fine , come with me Ty".
Amy walked outside with Ty even though it was cold and went round the corner, then they had a proper kiss.
They walked back in and sat down for breakfast.
"Where did you Just go".
"Outside Grampa, if you feel uncomfortable with me giving Ty a quick kiss to say morning then I'll do it outside".
"Outside is mine too Young Lady, My Ranch".
"Well you've certainly got your underwear on backwards this morning Grampa".
"Well said sweetheart your Grampa's still living in the 1940s".
They started eating breakfast but it was quiet, "What do you have planned for you and Ty this morning". "Well mom, I thought I'd take Ty for a tour of Heartland, Ty's been riding since he was little so that's good, we won't be out long as it's really cold".
Marion smiled and saw Amy wink at her, Marion knew that she'd heard the argument this morning and was doing these little things to see how far Jack would go, but Marion was worried that if her Father went to far Amy would go Residential at the university so she could lead a normal life, which is why Lou left after her relationship with Scott disintegrated due to Jack being to protective.

Amy and Ty went out on there Trail Ride, the snow was about a foot deep so not a problem for the horses. Amy could of put a warm shield up around her and Ty but thought that she still needed to enjoy nature as it was.
Marion realised that she hadn't seen Jack for a while so looked out the kitchen window to see him dissappear into the tree's on horseback.
*Dam him, he's going to end up pushing her away too*.

Amy and Ty were walking side by side holding hands and she knew they were being watched using her sight to confirm it.
"Let's go back as its getting colder, this ways a short cut".
"Okay Amy, it is getting definitely colder".
When Jack came out the tree's he couldn't see them, he looked around but they'd disappeared. He knew Amy knew this land better than he did.
Eventually Amy and Ty got back to the barn and sorted the horses out then went inside to get warm.
"That ride was shorter than I thought you'd be".
"Well it was getting colder and Grampa was following us so we took a short cut back".
"Ha ha, so you left him out there looking for you".
"Yep, I can play the same game he can mom".
"Good for you love, he'll probably go check on the cattle while he's out there, Hot Chocolate for you both".
"Yes please". They said together.

Ty had been at Heartland a week and Amy had played Jacks little game although she was now getting fed up with it. Her and Ty had often been kissing in the Barn but Amy always knew when he was approaching and they'd start doing chores by the time he walked in, he could never catch them.
"Marion, Amy knows when I'm approaching the barn doesn't she? ".
"Amy's clever Dad, she's playing you at your own game as it were and I for one don't blame her, she's 19, she's a young woman Dad".
Jack didn't like being played, the weather was much better, the cold spell had moved away and Christmas was over, everyone was in bed asleep and Jack figured it was time for Ty to go home. He went into Lou's old room and started packing up Ty's things, he woke him up and asked Ty to get dressed as he needed a hand with something but to be quiet so as not to wake up Marion and Amy.
Ty came out and found Jack by the gate.
"What's wrong Jack".
"Nothing, your bags in the back of the truck, it's time for you to go home and don't come back".
"What !!! I haven't done anything wrong Jack, We've abided by your rules as expected".
"I don't care, go and stay away".
"You won't stop me and Amy being together Jack, we both go to the same University and are you going to follow her everywhere like a Stalker, I'll phone her tomorrow ".
"Don't bother".
"Can't stop me Jack."
Ty got in his truck and drove away.
Jack thought about what Ty said so unplugged the house phone then went to Amy's room and very quietly took her phone, he switched it off then took it to his bedroom.
*I'll stop him from doing anything with her, she's too young to get mixed up with boy's* Jack thought to himself.

In the morning Jack had already left to check on the Herd.
Amy walks into the kitchen and makes herself a cup of tea and sits down at the kitchen table.
"Morning love you slept late".
"Hi mom, I can't find my phone, It was on my bedside table last night with my alarm set but I can't find it".
"Let me ring it for you, it went to answer phone sweetheart".
"Ty's not up yet either, I'll check on him".
Amy walked to the bedroom and knocked the door, when there was no answer she opened the door to an empty room, no bag or clothes".
"Amy, whats wrong ".
Amy had tears streaming down her face.
"Ty's gone, no bag, no clothes and ( she looked out the window) no Truck".
"What the hell has he done now".
"Who mom?".
"My Father ".
"Grampa, what would he have to do with it".
"You'd be surprised ".
"I'll phone Ty and see whats going on, there's no ring tone mom, the lines must be down".
"Hang on a minute".
Marion decided to check the cable and found the phone was unplugged.
"It'll work now he unplugged it".
"What's going on mom, I'll try a spell to find my phone".
A small light the size of a Pea appeared in front of Amy, *Find my Phone* it moved off and Amy and Marion followed it up to Jacks bedroom door which was locked, Marion used her magic and the door swung open. They followed it in and the light went to a small writing desk stopping at the left side draw.
It was also locked so Marion unlocked it and opened the draw, there sat Amy's phone. Amy grabbed it and Marion locked the draw then the bedroom door and they went back to the kitchen table.

To be continued

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