Chapter Two

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"Dad Amy's been shot ".
Marion and Jack ran towards Amy, "Mum Ghost has been shot in the neck and I can't hold this pressure much longer".
Marion was relieved it wasn't Amy who'd been Shot but knew what Ghost meant to her Daughter.
"Here let me take over sweetheart ".
She replaced her hand for Amy's as her arm was so numb which is why she was slumped over trying to keep the pressure on his neck.
Jack called Scott and told him what happened.
"Scott's on his way he said to keep the pressure on the wound".

"Are you okay mom!".
"Yes love, well I am now, When I saw the blood and you slumped over Ghosts neck I thought you'd been shot".
"I'm so sorry mom I didn't mean to scare you, my arm felt like it was going to fall off".
"Hey, it's Okay, let's concentrate on Ghost yeah".
"Did you catch them".
"Oh yes, and handed them to the police, there's plenty of signs up on the property saying No Hunting".
"We need to tell them they shot at me and Ghost don't we".
"Your Grampa is probably already on the phone to them".
"Did they get any of the Deer that have come onto our land".
"No, thankfully, but we're going to start doing random checks".
They both heard Scott's truck pull up and as he came in asked Amy if she was okay.
"A bit shook up and my arm feels dead after holding his neck wound, but otherwise I'm fine ".
"Well I got your shift covered for tomorrow but you'll have to do there shift the following day, so you won't lose out".
"Thanks Scott".
"Right, let's take care of this gentleman shall we. Hey Ghost".

Amy spent the next week working at the Clinic and looking after Ghost who was healing nicely, today was a Saturday so no work or tomorrow then one more week before she starts University.
Amy had spent most of the morning cleaning the Stalls and putting down a 2ins covering of Sawdust. The only horse inside was Ghost.
She'd pulled out the feed bins and swept up then put everything back nice and tidy, rearranged the Tack room too. Now she was upstairs in the Hay Loft dragging a bail to the gap in the floor.
Amy Just let go of the bail when she saw Her grampa walk underneath, she automatically threw her hands out as if to stop the bail from hitting Jack but to her utter surprise the bail stayed in mid air as Jack continued to walk out of the barn, Amy let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in and moved her hands at which point the bail of hay hit the floor.
Amy sat on the nearest bail of hay trying to understand what just happened. She didn't want to tell anyone because they would say she was mental.
That night Amy got her Journal out and wrote down what happened, she wrote how she'd been feeling different over the last few days too. She didn't know what it was, her mom had said to let her know if anything weird happened but this was more than weird.


The following week Amy was glad to be able to take Ghost out for a Trail ride, this was her final week and she hoped she had enough money for her truck as she would need it come Monday morning.
They were walking through the forest trail and the sun was out, there was a slight chill in the air as Autumn had started but it was still a nice day to be out.
As Amy was riding along the trail she came to a fork and normally she'd go to the left but this time she decided to go right, Amy couldn't remember this trail, it had definitely been a very long time since she used it.
It was actually a beautiful Autumn day with all the wild flowers, and an abundance of wildlife with small creatures running around the trail, off to her right side she saw rocky outcrops and decided to take Ghost up to the top so she could look out and see the views.
As they got closer to the rocks something caught her eye and before she knew it a mountain Lion had sprung towards her, Amy threw her arm out instinctively and flames shot out at the lion, but she didn't want to hurt or kill it, then the flames shot in opposite Directions to the left and right frightening the Mountain Loin to abort its Jump and run away..
Amy was completely shocked, what was happening to her, she had that same weird feeling inside.

Later back at Heartland Amy had finished Dinner and was helping Marion clear up and fill the Dishwasher.
"Amy,,, are you feeling okay, you look like you have something on your mind".
"I'm fine, had an encounter with a Mountain Lion today but he ran off".
"Okay love, don't forget that I'm here if you need to talk".
"Thanks mom".
Amy thought about saying something, but how. Her mum would think she was crazy and have her locked up.
She decided to let it go for now and be more careful with her hands, no sudden moves and maybe it would go away.

The next morning Amy asked her mum if she could take her to find a truck.
"Dad, Amy want's to go and find a truck today, are you able to come with us".
"Yes of course, how much did your Mom leave Amy".
"Mom left her 5000 towards whatever she needed for University, so what Amy has saved as well she should get a good truck".
"Well if she needs anymore I'll chip in as well, I want her in a safe truck".
"You sure Dad". "Absolutely where Amy is concerned ".

Amy and Marion went to get in the truck and Amy found her Grampa already in the passenger seat.
"You coming as well Grampa".
"Yep, let's go find you a truck".

To be continued

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