Chapter Twenty, Epilogue

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Quickly everyone was locked down,  Amy threw another layer over the Top of the Dome to reinforce it.
Amy could feel Brad and sense those with him but couldn't pinpoint his location.
She then got an Idea that may help, she could feel baby in her thoughts but as her Mom said it's more intuition.
Amy stood reaching into her power telling it what she wanted, Ty was watching her as was Marion and Eric then Amy threw a golden forcefield around herself and shot into the air so fast they lost sight of her. The clouds were Low and Amy suspected they were above the cloud cover but not close together which is why she can't pinpoint there location.
As Amy approached the top of the clouds she turned herself and her forcefield invisible and shot straight passed them.
She'd never attempted to do this before and she wasn't to good with heights, but with the clouds there below her she didn't feel that high up although she knew she was very high.
She started counting how many followers he had with him and it was a lot , 35 at least.
Amy returned to the safety of the ground and informed everyone what she saw, Eric suggested they try to force them down to the ground so went to speak with some of the other Cabal members who were powerful enough to  great a lightning storm and force them down.
15 stood in a circle, Amy was going to Join them but Eric told her to save her strength and power, they were more than capable of doing this on there own individually but together it will be stronger.
Amy knew she couldn't do everything and realised she had to let them use there own power and ideas and not try to control everything just because she was powerful herself.
She stood with Ty and her Mom and watched as they started turning the clouds dark and an electrical storm started throwing  lightning strikes across the sky instead of down to the ground.
Brad knew they'd been found and if they stayed where they were they'd get fried, so gave the order to get on the ground fast, they headed for the pasture not far from the Jumping arena.
The rest of Amy's Cabal put up a forcefield but when Amy saw it she added another field in front of it like a cresting wave so it was over the top of them as well.
Amy could sense them now but they were not moving so used the time to build up her powers.
She knew she had to do this to end Brad's reign of terror and murders, but Brad was forgetting one important detail,  he wasn't a Sorcerer  and could only hold so much power before it became unstable and dangerous as he could blow himself up if he lost control of what power he had.
Amy was banking on this because her Flaming Arrow would explode his own supply within him.
It didn't take long before they attacked throwing energy balls at the forcefield which Just exploded doing no damage.
Eric, Ty, Marion and the rest started firing back but there's went up causing the Rebels to laugh until they came back down blowing some of them into Ash which was dispersed by the light wind, Amy noticed that Brad's power was getting stronger as some of his shots came through the forcefield,  but she couldn't see a thing down on the ground.
Amy called on her power to give her a stronger forcefield,  at the same time she started to glow like a small sun then slowly lifted up, 10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet up in the Air where she could see what was going on.
As she saw his followers fall she noticed there powers were redirected to Brad, he'd obviously spelled them to pass on the power that should of been returned to the earth but instead he was absorbing all of it, he was using Dark Magic.
Suddenly 3 Plasma balls hit Amy's forcefield but one got through hitting her in the right side of her chest and arm.
Baby must of felt it because Amy felt a surge of energy being given freely to help her.
"Thank you baby girl".
Amy started to build up her power and started firing back at Brad, this went on for a while, some were getting through both of their forcefield's, Amy knew she had to act now as some were getting injured on the ground so  pulled Fire into her hands, as she put her hands together and started to pull back with her right hand which was painful, she then saw the Bow and Arrow form in front of her, she told the  Arrow what she wanted and let it fly.
As the Arrow flew it changed from 1 to 2, then they started hitting there marks causing the Rebels to turn into clouds of Ash, which unfortunately gave Brad more power.
More Plasma balls hit Amy's forcefield but two got through this time, then Brad did something that she didn't think he was capable of and rose into the sky to match her height.
Amy felt another surge of energy then Flames ripped out from her front as the Flame took off, she looked on as a Flaming Phoenix took to the Sky going after those Rebels that fled. Even Brad had to look twice giving Amy a shot at him with her own Plasma ball which hit him hard ripping his forcefield away.

While Ty and the others were fighting the Rebels, he was Just under Amy and thought the weather was changing, he felt drops on his face and arms, but when he looked it wasn't water he felt it was blood and he knew Amy was injured.
Amys Arrows hit true and hard as they hit the Rebels, Ash and dust was blowing everywhere as Brad's army was decimated within 10 seconds,  Amy called her Arrow back to meld back into one and aim for Brad but Amy was getting weak and as the Arrow approached Brad it fizzled out, Amy tried to reinforce her forcefield to protect herself and her daughter.
Brad however was so overjoyed that Amy lost the Arrow which had used most of its power taking out the Rebels that he forgot about something else that could destroy him.
He had all this power and was building up a powerful energy weapon to use against Amy until he heard the Squawk of the Phoenix,  he turned his head to see this mighty bird Just a few feet from him ,Brad flew as fast as possible but couldn't shake off the Phoenix,  instead he aimed straight for Amy hoping he could move out of the way at the last minute and send it straight into Amy. As Brad got closer Amy and Her Baby shared powers and lite up brighter than the sun blinding Brad and he unknowingly slowed down, then  the Phoenix ripped through Brad igniting his stored energy causing an almighty Explosion which turned him into a million pieces but knocked an unconscious Amy from the blast, out of the sky.

As Amy fell, the Cabal members threw there hands up using the wind to slow her decent until she lay in the arms of her husband,  Ty slowly lowered her to the ground as Marion and some healers came rushing over.
"Step back a minute Ty".
As Ty stepped back the Phoenix re-entered Amy's body then the healers moved forward to stem the blood flow.
"Marion,  I didn't know Amy had a familiar".
"Neither did I Ty, that's of course if it's hers".
They both looked at Amy's 5 month baby bump.
When they'd stopped the bleeding Ty carried her to the house, Jack was still in there after he went to use the bathroom. When he came back to the kitchen the humans were frozen in time and the forcefield was down so decided the safest place was in the house. Then the battle started and he was amazed when he saw what his Granddaughter was able to do.
When Jack saw Ty carrying Amy up the porch steps he opened the door for him and Ty carried her to her bedroom.
"Is she going to be alright Marion".
"Yes Dad, she'll be fine".
Marion then went to her old room and started looking for something else Amy could wear to the reception.

Eric and the others cleared up ,then dismissed the forcefield's and un froze everyone,  it was as if nothing had happened,  the music started playing and those dancing continued to dance. People who were talking carried on as if there'd been no break .
Now Eric walked to the house to see how Amy was.
Her Beautiful Dress was ruined and had been taken off, then they started to clean her up, her wounds were healed as if nothing had happened.
Marion, Ty, and Eric all layed there hands on her,  passing energy into her to help replace what she'd used.

Amy started to wake up and felt fine until she saw the state of the Dress she'd borrowed.
One of the Cabal came forward telling Amy that in a few days the Dress would look Just as it did before by the time they'd finished with it.
About an hour later Amy was up and dressed In a beautiful white gown Just perfect for the reception.
"Amy, you were amazing,  but I have to ask about the Phoenix,  was it yours or little nuggets".
"Mine Ty, I found out about her from Eric and he helped me to connect with her a few months ago, I totally forgot about her".

Jack had Asked Marion and Ty and Amy to come home and forgive him for his old fashioned way of thinking. Lyndy had been giving Jack a hard time in his Dreams or whatever it was and they agreed.

Four months Later Amy gave birth to her and Ty's Daughter,  she was so beautiful,  thick Blonde hair,  electric Blue eyes with flecks of Emerald green,  everyone had been in to see Mother and Baby but now her and Ty were alone.
Ty had Just walked back into the room after getting warm drinks  and saw his wife stood at the window with their daughter in her arms looking out.
"I have the perfect name for our little girl Ty, if you agree".
Ty stood next to her with an arm around her and he held his Daughter's  hand with the other as he also looked out the window and saw what Amy saw.
I think it's a beautiful name Amy and will fit her perfectly".
They both stood there looking at the largest and Blueish Moon they'd ever seen.
"Hey little girl , I think this Moon is to announce your Arrival,  so you will have a name that all will remember , our beautiful " Luna ".

The end.

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