Chapter Eight

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Amy got home Wednesday evening to Marion's surprise.
"Is everything OK Amy, she burst into tears and Just held her Mom.
Eventually they sat down with a hot drink and Amy explained what happened.
"Well there is speculation that the leader of these Blood Witches is actually a Witch,  Brad Bordens interest in you is disturbing Amy, I'll inform the Council of Witches & Sorcerery and see what they think. Why don't you get some sleep".

Thursday morning Amy was up and out for a trail ride with Ghost, she got back about 9am untacked and fed him then went for breakfast.
"Morning Mom".
"Good morning Amy, have a good ride
"Yeah, still a bit fresh out there but nice and quiet".
"Here you go love".
"Thanks Mum, smells delicious ".
"I spoke to the head of the Witches & Scorcery Council and about 4 of them are going to pay Brad Borden a visit basically giving him warning that they will be looking into his activities and keeping an eye on him".

"Morning,  oh your back, get fed up with him did you, hopefully".
"Dad,,, thats enough,  I dont want a repeat of last time".
"As long as she stays away from that boy there won't be a repeat of last time".
"I can't win with you can I, I'm dating a young man who is amazing and understands your concerns yet you still treat him like BS.
I'm so sorry mom to do this again to you but I've got my own place in the Residential building at University which I can have for 2 yrs, I'll be home every Saturday morning till Sunday afternoon,  but if Grampa carries on the way he is I won't be back at all".
Amy walks to her room and starts packing, including photos and trinkets to make her place homely,  she hasn't told anyone that she has a double apartment with double bed. While she thinks about it she phones the Doctors for an appointment later that afternoon, nothings going to happen Just like she told her Grampa, they can still sleep in the same bed, hug, cuddle, but it's always better to be prepared than not to be.

"See, you old fool, now Amy's leaving and going to live on campus. Now you'll have no idea what she's doing thankfully, and at least she can live a normal life for a couple of years.
You are your own worst enemy, Dad".
Jack got up from the table mumbling to himself, thinking about Lou and now Amy moving out. He wished he'd kept his mouth shut.
Maybe Marion was right, he was old fashioned but maybe the real reason why he was acting like this was because he didn't want Amy to grow up,  but he knew deep down that she was growing up and in a few years she'd end up getting married and having her own children.


2 years later.

Amy was now 20 years old coming up to her 21st in two months time.
Ty had Graduated and was looking for an apartment in Hudson,  he had one to view the next day and Amy had to be out of her apartment by the end of the week, Ty's Job was there for him as promised by the owner.
Amy was busy packing the day Ty went to see the Apartment, it was about lunch time when there was a knock on the door, Normally Amy would just open it but as a lot of the Residential Students had left to go home for August break she looked through the eye hole and gasped seeing Brad the other side of the door.
For two years it had been quiet, the witches had been watching him up until last month and he had been as good as could be, it may have been a coincidence but the council members noticed that the disappearance of Witches had also stopped during those two years.
Amy disappeared using an invisibility cloak and hid in the shower, she could win a fight with him but it would cause to much attention plus she wanted to see what he was up to if he broke in.
Amy heard the door open and saw Ty but was it him, he was supposed to be in Hudson  Amy put her phone to silent and turned off vibrate then sent a text to Ty, she heard his phone go off in the front room so made her way there.
"Amy , are you here love".
Amy knew it was him.
"Yes,  your dad was outside the door ".
" I saw him run off love, it's okay".
Amy shuck off the cloak and put her arms around him and they hugged.
"There's too many people about to fight him here, I was going to watch him and see what he was up to".
"Are you finished packing ".
"Let's put it in your truck".
"Okay love".
Amy didn't see any sign of Brad once she was back at Heartland,  Jack was totally different after she moved back, he didn't say anything about Ty or her still dating him.
Ty had got the apartment that day which is why he'd come back quicker than she thought he would.
He started work a week later and Amy helped out at the Clinic then every night when she finished work  she met Ty at his apartment for dinner,  staying until it was time to go home.
"Hi mom".
"Hello love, I wasn't expecting you to come home tonight, everything okay with you and Ty".
"Errr, yeah fine mom, why wasn't you expecting me home". Marion quietly answered.
"Amy,, I wasn't born yesterday, if you want to stay over at Ty's Just stay okay, no more to say, except Be Safe".
"Err thanks mom, your the best".
Amy hugged her mom and kissed her cheek,  "We are being Safe mom".
Amy whispered in Marion's ear, Marion looked at Amy and Just winked at her.
Amy walked to her room and had a big smile on her face, she thought that she had the coolest Mom in the whole World.

To be continued

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