Chapter Thirteen

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  Marion had decided to go back up to say goodbye to Amy and Ty would stay until the next shift arrived
Ty arrived back with two coffees, and sat in the chair but Amy asked him to sit on the bed close to her, Ty said it wouldn't be a good Idea with coffees.
When they'd finished with there drinks Amy once again patted the bed asking Ty for a hug but he came up with another excuse. 
Amy felt Ty was pulling away and Ty noticed tears running down Amy's face.
"Now I'm pregnant you don't really want me any more DO YOU". Amy shouted.
"Of course I do Amy, it's Just that I wasn't expecting to be a dad yet".
"We would be getting married in 18 months Ty, what do you think comes next, Babies, thats what, and I don't want one or two Ty or would you then say you don't want any Eh!! ".
"Blimey Amy, how many do you want".
"Four at least Ty you knew that when we were having a talk when we first got together, If that's not what you want anymore say so now before we go any further, You said how much you loved me, well do you still love me Ty or are you having second thoughts now fatherhood is on the horizon".
Amy was getting more angry as time went on.
"Look Amy ,it's come as a shock I Just need time to accept this and how many children you want so I'm going  home and I'll see you tomorrow ".
" You bloody coward, you enjoyed all the Sex we had and when an accident happens you can't even stand up and take responsibility, Go then you coward". Amy curled up in the bed facing the door and cried ,forgetting that she was all alone, the next shift wouldn't turn up for 2 more hours.

A nurse was passing and could hear Amy so walked in, she was able to calm her down and told Amy she'd be back in a while.
Not long after a Doctor walked in, she'd never seen him before but she couldn't sense any threat, as he got closer he threw his hand out towards her shooting an energy shot right at her but Amy didn't have time to put her shield up so sent a powerful blast back at him.
The nurse walked in to see Amy and saw a dead doctor on the floor, then looked towards Amy and screamed.
Amy's Doctor was Just up the corridor  when he heard the scream and went running,  he walked in seeing the Doctor on the floor then saw the nurse with Amy and rushed over.
"We need to get her to surgery,  what was she shot with ".
"I have no Idea"
"Let's get her up to the OR and see what rooms free, need to phone her fiancee too".
"Whose the Doctor ".
"I'd say the killer".

Ty was in Maggies thinking about Amy and how much he loved her and what an ass he was for upsetting  her, of course he wanted to be a father and have however many children she  wanted. He looked at his watch and then realised he'd left her alone, he ran out and set off back to the Hospital , on his way he got a call.
"Hello, Ty Borden speaking".
"Mr Borden I've afraid Your Fiancee was attacked by a fake Doctor, the trouble is we don't know how to treat the wound,  we've corterised the blood vessels that were still bleeding".
"Doctor do you have an open mind about things you read in fantasy and mystical books because Amy was probably hit with an Energy weapon".
"Are you serious ".
"Yes Doctor  what happened to the person who attacked her".
"Err, he had the same type of wound but much bigger and deadlier"
"Definitely Energy weapons Doctor, I can help I'm about ten minutes away, what Operating Room are you in".
"Room 3".
"Okay I'll be there soon".

It wasn't long before Ty walked into the Operating Room and was being shouted at about not cleaning hands and changing his clothes into scrubs.
Ty Just ignored them and spoke to the Doctor.
"Can I see the wound please Doctor".
He showed Ty where Amy got hit, right shoulder and arm.
"This is definitely an energy shot,  can you ask everyone to leave except you please doctor".
"Err yes , okay clear the room.
"What your going to see, you cannot tell anyone Doctor, there are forces in this world that people would not believe ".
Ty pulled the sheet away from Amy's wound and lay his hands over both wounds, as he concentrated the Doctor could see a golden glow under his hands and after five minutes Ty took his hands away,  the Doctor was amazed,  there was no sign of a wound.
"Who are you people, Aliens".
"Sort off, but also Human, we don't really know but we've been here for thousands of years, we were safe until  Christianity emerged and then we got called Witches because they didn't know any better and during the Witch trials all our records were destroyed when houses were burned down so the records we have only go back about 700 years, but we are actually Sorcerers not Witches, thank you for phoning me straight away ".
"Well I had no clue how to treat her, but how did Amy end up outside the
A & E Department".
"She Teleported after she was stabbed , you see Amy is the most powerful but the killer kept her Sedated because he knew what she was capable of, and he couldn't stab her heart because she had a shield around it and you saw what happened,  the pain overruled the sedation allowing her to get away. You must keep this to yourself, I'm only telling you so you understand what's going on".
"Yes I'll keep this secret, but thank you for explaining it ".
"We all have professions, some are doctors, you've probably come across a few miracles in your time or heard about them".
"Now that makes more sense of them now, why could you not heal Amy the first time".
"We are restricted to what we can do but her wounds were to much for us and you'd already operated on her so I want to thank you Doctor for saving her".
Ty and the Doctor carried on chatting  until Amy started to come out of the Anesthetic

To be continued

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