Chapter four

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Amy had celebrated her 19th birthday  on the 5th October, three weeks after starting U of C, and now it had been two months since Amy had spoken to Marion about the things that were happening to her, Amy had been training with her Mom and the Elder Sorcerer every evening after dinner for an hour and the Sorcerer did confirm what Marion thought that Amy had old magic, the sort that they thought was lost after all the Witch Trials of old.
The Elder Sorcerer had never told anyone his name for safety, he explained that Amy's/Marion's Ancestor's must be descended from a powerful Blood Line.

Ty asked Amy out on a date two days after her 19th birthday and have been dating ever since , he has also been helping Amy with her magic.
Winter had set in early and Amy was in the barn one Saturday morning doing some chores, it was freezing outside and Amy was just finishing up, her hands were so cold she could hardly feel them and wished she was in the kitchen.
Marion almost dropped the plates she had in her hands as Amy materialised right in front of her . Amy was also confused as a few seconds ago she was in the Barn.
"What the hell, how did I get here".
"Omg Amy, you almost gave me a heart attack, your powers are growing at an incredible rate, you can add Teleportation to your powers now".
"But how".
"Well we think we understand how this has happened, but before I say anything I need to do some digging and research, but be patient and I will find out".
"Okay Mom, thank you".
"How are you doing with trying to shield your power like you were asked".
"I'm getting close I think, it's really hard".
"Remember your power is instinctual, so Just think what you want it to do, Just like bringing fire to your hands like you did with the Mountain Lion okay, you will get better at it Amy, it Just takes time".

The following day Amy got home from university and Marion asked her to come to the Lounge when she was ready.
Eventually Amy came and sat next to her mom.
"Is something wrong mom".
"No sweetheart, I've been with our Elder Sorcerer for some time and been going through our blood lines".
"Great, what did you find, anything ".
"Oh yes. Our bloodline goes back some 700 years ".
"What!!, that would take days surely".
"Well not nowadays, when computers and the Internet came about it was all transferred to computer, of course we still keep doing it the old way too just as a back up. Anyway three of our Ancestor's were Wizards so our Bloodline is infact very powerful.
Now there's something that I found out that even I didn't know.
Your father knew who I was and what I was before we were married, I knew he wasn't a Witch, but when your in love you don't care about things like that, but your father obviously didn't know what he was as both his parents died young and he was adopted. Your father was a Wizard but he was Spellbound because he was put up for Adoption"
Anyway, getting back on subject, what I've learned is your a Spell Caster, Lou isn't like you, apparently it's one in so many thousands that is born as a Wizard".
"Ohhh wow Mom, so what powers will I have".
"This will take a while so for now I'll just say what they are then we can elaborate on them another day, is that okay with you love".
"Yes, fine mum".
"Okay well from what we've managed to find out and given the things you've already been doing heres the list,
Time Jumping.
and probably a lot more Amy. Our Elder wants you to spend a week with him in his Mountain Cabin so he can train you properly when you break up from university for Christmas, is that okay with you love ".
"Yes Mom, that would be great, and while I think about it, I want to give him a name, a made up name because calling him Elder Sorcerer is a mouthful and not very personal, so the only man's name I could come up with was Eric. So can we refer to him with that name".
" Yes that's perfect sweetheart".

Amy spent the first week of the winter break with Eric and it was what she needed, she learn't so much and found out things she didn't even know she could do. Amy learn't how to put up a shield around herself and extend it further to encompass others, also to shield her power within, to Teleport properly.
Amy tested the elements she had ,Water, earth ,Wind and Fire, she also learnt to fashion a Bow and Arrow out of fire, but Eric explained that it was Lethal.

By the time Amy got home after the week away ,all she wanted to do was sleep,  she was exhausted.
Two days later Ty came over to spend Christmas with her, Marion could tell they were meant for each other.
Marion and Jack had a big Argument because he wanted Ty to sleep in the Barn and not next door to Amy's bedroom in Lou's old Room. Marion told him that the Temperature was to low at -35 and they were no longer living in the 1940s,  she trusted Amy and she had already spoken to Ty about it. So Jack slept on the Sofa.
In the morning when Marion got up and saw where Jack had positioned himself she called him a Stupid Old Fool.
"What do you mean Marion ".
"Your starting to do the same thing you did to Lou, if it wasn't for you Lou would probably still be here and married to Scott, but you drove her away by following her around".
"She wanted to go to University in New York ".
"No she didn't,  she applied to Calgary University but after you kept telling Scott to go home because you saw them kissing in the barn or anywhere else, she got fed up with it, then Scott stopped coming over or you probably banned him from Heartland and there relationship started to collapse,  how many times did you follow them when they went for a Trail Ride, Lou told me she felt suffocated because her and Scott never got any alone time. I'm not going to let you do the same thing to Amy".
"This is my house, my rules".
"We respect that Dad  but not when there outside ".
"Well it's my barn, infact it's my Ranch".
"Well maybe we should move, at least Amy can have a private Life and so can I".
Amy was listening and thought she'd see what happens when her and Ty go on a Trail Ride.

To be continued

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