Chapter Nineteen

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Amy sat down with her Mum and Marion noticed the start of dark circles under her Daughter's eyes.
"So what's going on,  you can talk freely love".
"You'll think I'm going mad".
"Nonsense ".
Amy explained about the whispers as if someone was trying to talk to her and her worries it may be Brad trying to unerve her.
"Well I don't think it's Brad because we have a forcefield around the Cottage  and he's not that powerful, Lay back  love, let me try something".
Marion lay her hands on Amys belly and concentrated,  Amy started to hear the whispers again and told her mom. Eventually Marion finished and  told Amy to sit up again which she did.
"Amy, what you think is you going mad is what I went through when I was Pregnant with you, the whispers are your daughter trying to talk to you through mind speak, but she's still to young to try and put words to it".
"Really, she's trying to talk to me".
"Yes love, she's very powerful, she can sense you, try talking back to her, she can't understand what you say but your voice or mind speak will calm her down".
"I wonder if it will help at night because she's a real chatterbox ".
They both burst out laughing but Amy felt happier knowing it wasn't Brad and Just her daughter.
"Your going to have a very close bond with her love".
"Like we do mom".
"Oh yes".
There was 2 weeks to the wedding and everything was moving along nicely,  Amy was stronger not Just physically but mentally and her powers were back to normal.

Amy's sort of chats with her daughter were improving and Amy was starting to understand the feelings of what she was saying as it wasn't really speaking like everyone else,more of a Mothers intuition, this was a bond between them.
Brad Borden had disappeared and this was worse as no one knew what he was up to.
Eric had tried to find his location or at least area where he was without success.
Preparations for the wedding were well ahead and security was paramount.  There would be some Humans at the wedding,  mainly friends and acquaintances but most would be from their Magical world.
Amy was going to put a half invisible Dome forcefield up with her cabals help. It would be left 15 feet from the ground allowing everyone easy access in and out, leaving the top secure against an attack from above.


The day of the wedding arrived and Amy couldn't wait for everyone to see the Dress she had.
She was going to wear the dress that she found in the Large Storage locker from one of her Grt, Grt,Grt, Grt etc Grandmother's in the 1600s, she was the last Powerful Sorceress from her family and it had been her wedding Dress.

She was going to wear the dress that she found in the Large Storage locker from one of her Grt, Grt,Grt, Grt etc Grandmother's in the 1600s, she was the last Powerful Sorceress from her family and it had been her wedding Dress

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Amy was going to wear it in honour of her family heritage.

"Marion ".
"Yes Eric".
"That name Amy came up with seems to have stuck, (Ha Ha), listen, you do realise that with everyone here at the Wedding,  that there's a real possibility that Brad and his followers will attack so they can wipe out as many of the Cabal as possible".
"Yes, We're aware of that, and so is Amy, she's ready to do whatever she  needs to do to stop them. If he does turn up then we will have to freeze those that are Just human and lower the forcefield to the ground".
"Good Idea, I'll make sure those who aren't going to fight like the children are moved into the dome".
"Thank you Eric".

Ty is ready at the front of the Gazebo as the music starts and Amy has her Grampa's arm, every now and then she looks at him and catches him staring at the dress as they walk from the house towards Ty and the preacher.
"Is something wrong with the dress Grampa".
"Ohh No, I can't get over how beautiful you Look in it, your gonna knock Ty's socks off".
As soon as Ty saw her enter his eye's filled up, he wasn't expecting a dress like this and she looked Beautiful.
Everyone else were giving off little gasps of surprise when they saw her dress.
The service was excellent and not a dry eye anywhere,  Ty and Amy went to the house after all the photos were done to allow the change inside ready for dancing and Buffet food.
They were kissing passionately and there daughter noticed which made Amy start laughing,  Ty looked confused so Amy explained it to him, she took his hand and laid it on her belly then told him to reach out to her with voice and mind speak.
The look on Ty's face was one Amy will never forget.

The time came for Amy and Ty to enter the large Gazebo again as
Mr & Mrs Borden and took there position for there first Dance, everyone was still looking at the incredible Dress Amy was wearing,  they then had dances with family and friends,  unfortunately Lou didn't come which did upset Amy as she thought she'd want to see her get married but Lou didn't want anything to do with there world she was content to stay in New York.
Lou asked for a couple of pictures but Amy decided not to bother sending any.
After a while of Dancing they retired to their Table as did everyone else for food.
They cut the cake and it was distributed to everyone there, then Amy froze, Marion saw her Daughter's expression and made Eric and Ty aware.
"Amy what is it".
"Ty, your father's here, well almost with a lot of his followers,  I can sense them".
"Amy, you know what you have to do, do not hold back Just because he's supposed to be my father, he will kill everyone here, Human or Magical".
"I know Ty, I'm so sorry my Love".
"Don't be sorry, keep our little girl safe and everyone else".
"Ty, is he here".
"Yes Mum, but there's no saving him, I'm sorry".
"He made his own decision Ty".
"Mum, can you help get those that need to into the forcefield for protection"

To be continued

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