Chapter Sixteen

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Weeks away from Justin leaving for his deployment we had started to argue a lot. It was mainly exhaustion and stress from being new parents but one night, I couldn't take anymore arguing so I took Aiden and decided to go for a walk. I hadn't been cleared just yet to go walking, but I figured I had been doing fine so one walk wouldn't hurt. I loaded Aiden into his car seat and then into his stroller. Fresh air would do the both of us some good. When I got us both outside we started towards the sidewalks that lined the beach. I was taking deep breaths, breathing in the salty air. Sam suddenly appeared next to me.

"Hey, is everything okay?" He said smiling down at Aiden. He was always so amazing with Aiden.

"I just needed some air. Justin and I have been arguing a lot. We needed a little fresh air walk to clear our heads" I said nodding at Aiden.

"Is everything okay with you guys?" He sounded concerned.

"Yeah, we're both just exhausted and this is all so new to us. He's amazing with Aiden, but you know it's a lot all at once. Not that I'm complaining in any way. But it's been hard for us to adjust to it all. His upcoming deployment doesn't make anything better. I don't want to ask anyone for help so I can sleep because I want to be a good mom and enjoy all these moments with Aiden." I rambled.

"I get that. Listen, how about I take little Aiden and you go get some rest. My mom has been dying to see him again. You and Justin need to spend some time together after you both get some much needed rest. I don't want him leaving with things like these between you guys. My mom and I got this little guy. I'll bring him back to you or one of his grandparents later. Okay?" He said, taking over the stroller.

"Sam, you truly are amazing. Thank you so much. I think you're right. We need some time alone together, especially before he leaves. We don't deserve you." I had to stand on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek. Then I walked to Aiden and kissed him letting him know I would see him later. I hesitated and Sam started pulling away. I got the hint and headed back to my house. When I was out of sight I looked at Sam with Aiden. Sam was talking to Aiden with a smile on his face. I felt butterflies in my belly. I looked away and pushed the butterflies out.

When I got back home I went to lay next to Justin. He was asleep, I climbed in next to him and curled up against him. I kissed his lips gently. Before drifting off to sleep, I felt Justin pull me closer and kiss my hair. I allowed myself to relax into Justin. I knew that I needed to appreciate more of my time with him and enjoy being a family before he was gone.

When we eventually woke up, we both got up and showered. I informed Justin that Sam had the baby and that we were going to spend some time together. Justin agreed happily.

"I think some time alone together will be good. I don't want to leave with us in a bad place. It's just been so overwhelming. I'm exhausted and having a newborn is hard stuff. Fighting is the last thing that I've ever wanted." He said.

"I know, I don't want to fight either. We have to tackle this as a team. We have to get through this together and appreciate Aiden." I told him. It was hard on everyone. We got help from both our parents and Sam, but it was hard for us to just let everyone else watch Aiden so we could sleep or spend time together. I hated thinking about Justin leaving. It made my heart ache knowing that he was going to be gone for a whole year. I knew it was going to be hard, just like it was hard when he was away for all his training. Once he was back from his deployment, I was moving with Aiden into a house on base with him. That was something to look forward to. He must have sensed what I was thinking about because he pulled me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest.

"You have nothing to worry about. The year I'm gone will fly by. You'll be busy with school, work and Aiden. You won't be alone either. It'll all be okay. Before you know it we'll be living together as a family. Then we can have our wedding." He said kissing my hair. I hugged him tighter. Saying goodbye to him in a few weeks was going to kill me.

"I just need to continue looking forward to the positive things. Aiden will be keeping me busy. I'll make sure I take tons of photos and videos for you." I promised him. If he couldn't be here to witness everything then the least I could do was capture it for him to see.

"I don't want you to stress about anything. I promise you, it will all be okay. Focus on the good things. And spoil our son for me." He said.

"We still have a few weeks before you leave, so I don't want to talk about that yet. Let's go get some lunch then steal our baby back from Sam and his mother." I pulled away heading to the door. 

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