Chapter Twenty

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"Hello, Everyone!" My brother called from the kitchen.

"Shhh. The baby is sleeping, we're in here." My mother said quietly. Alex and Lisa made their way into the living room. Lisa came and sat next to me on the couch. "How are you two?" My mother asked them.

"We're good. We have some good news." Lisa said next to me. She slowly lifted up her left hand, which was sporting a gorgeous engagement ring. "We're getting married!" She said.

"Oh my goodness! Congrats!!!" I said, pulling her into a hug.

"Congrats you guys!" My mom said, pulling Alex into a hug. "Have you started planning yet? Katie and I can help if you need." She said coming over to hug Lisa.

"I'd love some help! We have started planning. We picked a date just a few months from now." She said beaming.

"I'd love to help you, Lisa. I could use the distraction right now." I told her. I got up and hugged my brother. He motioned for me to follow him into the kitchen.

"Hey, are you doing okay? Mom said that Sam spent the night last night. What's going on with that?" He asked sitting at one of the stools.

"I'm far from fine, but I have to keep going forward. He spent the night helping me with Aiden. Nothing happened. I haven't slept in a long time and Michelle suggested one of them spend the night to help." I said running my hand down my face.

"Sam is a good guy. I know this is probably the last thing you want to think about but he does love you. I know that he would take good care of you and Aiden." He said.

"What is with you all? Did he recruit you all to convince me to be with him? I just lost Justin. I need time to figure out everything. I couldn't imagine just jumping into something right now. I'm already beyond confused right now, Alex." I leaned against the counter.

"He hasn't said anything to any of us, Katie. What are you confused about?" He walked over and put his arm around me.

"I'm confused because I do love Sam. I guess having around during all of this has reminded me that I've always had feelings for him. But I need to recover from Justin. I love Justin. It feels wrong to feel this way." Tears started to fill my eyes and I quickly wiped them away.

"Hey, no one is telling you to forget about Justin. We know that you loved him. You can't wait forever to move on and at some point Sam won't want to wait around anymore." Alex said rubbing my arm.

"I just can't think about it right now. I have to focus on Aiden. If he finds someone then I'll be happy for him. He deserves to be happy. I won't make him wait for me. I have you guys and Aiden. That's all I need right now." I said, hugging him.

"Alright. I'm sorry I brought it up, I didn't mean to upset you. I want you to know that Lisa and I are both here for you. If you ever need help with anything or just want company. You know that Lisa loves you." He said squeezing me.

"Thank Alex." I pulled away and punched his arm. It wasn't often that Alex got affectionate with me. We went back into the living room, where Lisa was holding Aiden. She looked so happy holding him. Maybe one day her and Alex would have babies that could be friends with Aiden. 

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