Chapter 1: Clean Slate

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Their eyes.

That's what struck you.

So full of curiosity. You weren't use to it. Not to mention the diversity in the seating arrangement. 

This class stuck to the plans that the teacher had clearly set, not the way you were use to. At your old school, kids sat in cliques; clear patches of culture on tar at recess, or power quirk groups. Bullies vs nerds. But no one ever bothered you. 

These beautiful people waiting eagerly to speak to you further, except a few. A particular ball-headed fellow seemed really eager. Too eager. 

Stay weary of him. 

Thankfully the teacher had not made you introduce yourself. He did, however, call your power manifestation... a quirk. A small pet peeve you and your siblings held. You felt slightly ashamed for not correcting him then.

He pointed out each student and named them. This was helpful. Stressful. No. Helpful. You attempted to laser the names into your memory. 

It seemed like you were deleting names in your mind while adding in the new ones. Almost all of the names gone, save for one; Midoriya Izuku. He must have been important here. Almost as important as you were back home. 

Before they made you take the transfer. 

Your eyes snapped up from the floor to the Ball-head being scolded by the teacher. A blond stick of dynamite called him 'Grapehead'. That seemed like a better title to you. Funner to say than 'Ball-head'. Something about the Hyphen. 

As for the new title 'Blond stick of dynamite', that was the only way you could describe him. Tightly wound to seem as if not tightly wound. Too much effort to not use effort. He could do with an easing up, before he implodes and sucks the class in to an inevitable black hole of teenage egotism. 

You continued mentally tagging each classmate with an appropriate name. You were sitting near a window, now that the Grapehead's desk was now in front of the teachers table. You haven't sat near a window in years, seeing as they thought you were a flight risk. 

In. Out. 

Calm breaths to smooth your mind. 

You noticed that none of the students had their stationery out on their desks. A quick glance at the schedule told you that there should be hand to hand combats, but you had interrupted them with your arrival. 

The students prepared to leave to the change rooms. They felt it safe enough to leave their bags unattended in class. You followed suit; but instead of leaving it on the desk, you left the bag on your chair and pushed it in. 

Out of sight always meant safe, after all. That's why you were the stealth child. 

The girls walked together down the halls. A particularly pretty girl with her hair in a ponytail convinced you to walk closer with a charming smile. 

"Soooo," The soft looking pink girl drawled. "How was the flight over?"

"You must be soooo exhausted." A brunette added. 

Your eyes widened a fraction, the rest of your face in a frozen polite smile. You definitely hadn't counted on this kind of attention.

"What about your family? Are you living alone? I could be your housemate... Or other mate..." 

You looked down, near your thigh, for the nasal lisped voice. 

"Get the heck out of here, Mineta!" 

Your eyes widened even more. The Grapey-fellow had some how been kicked down the hall. Another voice, the most adorably cute girlish voice, passed you. Without a body. Floating clothes and shoes had, quite possibly, demolished that kid.

{Elusive} - BNHA x Air Bender!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now