Chapter 7: Dumplings and drama

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Katsuki tried to sneak you through his bedroom window.

"Come on." There was almost a whine behind his usual growl.

Your face scrunched up in confusion. Why would you need to be snuck in? Especially since his parents weren't home yet.

"They'll be here soon. I cant risk taking you through the front."

"That's what she said."

"Now's not the time."

"But it feels wrong."  You said. "We're supposed to stop break ins, not commit them ourselves. Why would your parents not want you to have any guests?"

He was half sat through the window, an arm outstretched to try an grab you.

"Would your parents let you have a boy over?"


Dad would have been glad if you brought anyone home. That answer wasn't the one he wanted, but he jumped out of his window in defeat. You trailed after him as he led the way to the front.

He opened the door, allowing his mother's complaints to run out. Your shoulders tensed. This was a bad familiar. You shouldn't have left the apartment. No experience is better than reliving bad ones.

"Hello, son."

You looked over to the couch, Mr Bakugo was calm despite the background noise. She quieted down. Mrs Bakugou must have heard...

"Who do you have here?"

You introduced yourself, not wanting to bother Katsuki with the hassle of explaining everything as Mrs Bakugo entered the room. You gave the Bakugo parents the expected info-bites, making sure you where answering most of the unspoken questions he had, which were the usual questions when it came to the UA exchange.

"That's nice." He said. "I think all hero schools should allow for exchange bursaries."

"It helps when you're a special case too." You smiled.

"I cant believe you finally have a girlfriend."  You heard her whisper to her son, who shushed her harshly.

Katsuki made some excuse about there being homework to be done, allowing the both of you to escape to his bedroom.

He loaded up the game you requested, while you looked through his books. They were mostly to help him develop quirk wise, a few set books for future lit classes.

"What girls are you trying to impress with your reading level?"

"You and my mother can live on a stranded island together."

"Hey," You said lighthearted. "My dad and us joke about relationships too."

He looked at you in disbelief. So, you explained the conversation you and dad had last night.

"You'd seriously say that to your dad?"

"I did."

"You shouldn't look proud."

"Well if he does intend on remarrying, at least he has no doubts on where I stand on more siblings. I can barely keep up with the ones I have, imagine if he has twins some how. I'll be an established hero, and he'll have to start the morning runs again. He has enough broken dolls, he doesn't need to make more."

"You guys are too open. So fucking weird." He said. "Every time you bring up what you say to him, its like a fucking fever dream."

You sat beside him on the edge of the bed. Kastuki loaded up his last save, continuing as you requested from where he left off. You played this game more times than him, it didnt matter where in the story you were. You always remembered the plot points. The highs and lows. The dialogue.

It took everything in you not to bully him into collecting the optional trophy items.

Knock knock knock

You had a feeling he noticed how quick you tensed up. He moved to answer the door, instead of questioning you. Thankfully.

Mrs Bakugou dropped off a plate of snacks, and hinted (it could have been a threat) that you should stay for supper.

Katsuki handed you the plate. But he still stood in front of you.

"Relax." He said.

Then sat down as if nothing happened.

"Your mother isnt angry with us, is she?"


You examined how she arranged everything. So neat and cute.

"Why would she be mad?"

"You told her we were coming up for work. She saw the controller in your hand."

He shrugged, still not paying attention to the dilemma at hand. You decided to drop the topic.

You lifted up a dumpling, Katsuki stopped you. He plucked it out of your grasp and plopped it into his mouth.

"Peanuts. I forgot to tell her."

He swapped the control for the plate, and left to seek safer snacks.

You have to remind dad about your allergies everytime he gets anything with nuts. You mentioned it only once to Katsuki. Once to the whole class.

You doubled back on the level and collected the abandoned collectables. You just got back to where he was, before he returned.

{Elusive} - BNHA x Air Bender!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now