Chapter 44: Misinput

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Izuku was in a terrible mood when you finally found him. He mumbled, and fidgeted with his head gear. He saw you and sped up. Yanked on your arm, and away you both sped walked. You ignored Kirishima's calls out, because they stopped after he noticed you.

"Ready for your first day with Justice?"

"Is that what you call yourselves?" He snarked.

"Lucci does. And I'll be whatever Lucci wants."

"I think this was the devotion Kirishima wanted."

"Fuck him. Why would I do that for him?"

"Why are you doing it for this guy, then?"

You pondered it a bit. Nezu was heading in your direction. Midoriya reacted before you did. He tackled you onto his back, and jumped out the open air hall.

He stuck the landing with a finesse.

"New trick?"

"Yeah. Almight was no help."

You tried to learn more, but he wouldn't say any further than doing two internships. He changed the conversation. Izuku coaxed you to admit,

"I appreciate that he hasn't killed me yet."


"His temper. There's nothing like it."

You hadn't meant to say it as doting as you did. A love sick puppy.

You were careful to not mention Kid's temper, and why you appreciated that differently. You were, however, well aware that they have surveillance all over the campus, and are probably listening right now. Least you could do is gas up the most terrifying of the lot. It made Bluenose make inside jokes behind your back.

You missed Shigiraki.

"So, ready?" You asked. "Finished whatever mess you made with Rocks."

"He made the mess with me, okay? He's extra mean. This morning he argued with Yaoyurozu. Nobody knows about what, though. Where were you?"


"This morning. I only found you now. We should eat before we leave. Oh, wait. You said they'll feed us."

"They will. Lots of lies."

You admitted you were with the engineering kids. They were running a competition, mini fighter jets. They invited you to join in. You hadn't realized how familiar their lot got with you.

You had been using the main test facility around the same time as them. You dont know any of their names, and blamed Lucci for you not to be able to join. Well, you said you were focussing on a case right now.

A wild goose chase Khalifa made to test you. You were done with the case, but you weren't going to hand it in yet. One more day, never know what might click.

You let your weight set properly on Midoriya. He sped through the gates, and jumped through the city like Kaku. You added to his already impossible height. He howled and twisted care free in the sky.

"Haven't felt this great since Kacchan!"

"Calm down, Cowboy." You said through your helmet. "We still need to wrangle some cows, 'fore we see the bull."

"Yeah yeah yeah."

"When do you start your new job?"

"Already did. We're on a case." He was on the verge of rambling. "I can't say anything, but there's this little girl-"

"Don't. If you can't say anything. Don't."

"New trick your Lucci taught you?"

"No. I'm self trained. That's why he tolerates me."

Your Lucci. It was funny, but you didn't feel like this would be the last you hear it. Midoriya kept quiet for a while. His quiet. You knew too much about the case just from piecing together his key words.

Kid had dealings with Chisaki. You met the guy a couple of times. Every time, he'd ask for you to outsource your talents. Kid had you on his first surprise visit, and introduced you as part of his crew. He told you not to ask questions, just trust, it's not official, Killer wont kill you. So you did.

Minor tailing jobs, the pay was good, so it's been helping you archive money. You've been trading it to silver. You were not sure which country you'd take Rohan to, so silver would be best for now. It stayed safe under your bed.

"Shut up." You said.

Chisaki's a good boss, you didn't need to know the reality of his disease. The most you could do is the plan Midoriya wasn't in on. Lucci learnt you can bend air out of people.

"I'll remember that." He said.

That was this morning apparently.

"So we're getting?"

"'Too much witness' witnesses." You said.

"And what do we do?"

"Talk. I will, in a dark alley."

"Like with that snakey second year?"

You weren't sure what allegation this was. Or who created the rumor. You shrugged and went with it. You didnt care what connotation those students added. You were with them for a while, not forever.

After three alley visits, Midoriya became suspicious. He almost saw the body before you could dump it, but a black cat scared him off.

The forth was the final target. Midoriya would have to go in with you. You realized he might be killed in this interaction. They asked you to offer sacrifice.

He landed on a skyscraper, one of the news ones. The city glittered against the ink black sky. You gulped. Sirens blazed where the heroes weren't. A dog screamed. An old woman yelled back. None of this would change. Not from the work you're doing.

"What are you thinking?"

You looked at him. Retracted your helmet, out of respect for the maybe dead. He repeated his question, an air of humor about him.

"You lead the battle,"

"We were supposed to talk to the guy."

"Let me finish. There's no other out come. Stick to what you've shown in class, I'll be support. Shut the fuck up, and talk. Right."


Masks on, comms linked. You jumped after him, and followed through his last dark alley.

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