Chapter 3: Second day gitters

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A new day, a new trial.

The first was finding the assembly area. You swam down stream of the student infested hallway, moving to your class. You breathed a sigh of relief upon reaching the door, Uraraya was gonna meet you here to lead you. Some one tapped your shoulder lightly, making your blood run cold.

Stop over reacting.

You turned to see the indigo boy from yesterday. You greeted each other, albeit you seemed more awkward about it.

"I'm Hitoshi Shinso. You're the new girl in 1-A, right? And a lost one at that." You chuckled at the comment. "If you need a guide-"

A hand clapped over your mouth, Uraraya's head rested on your shoulder as she answered your question.

"Y/N has me, thanks. Let's go, hun."

She quickly pulled you away, explaining to you her reasoning.

"Ah, well. He hot, so..." You gave her a lopsided grin. "He can control me anytime~"

A soft chuckle resonated behind you, you glanced at the passing reflections in the window. Of course he'd be close, you all were heading to the same place, after all.

This was deeply inconvenient. 


The bell for lunch rang out, students flowed out of their classrooms with a loud chattering about them.

"Hey, Explosivo," You called out in a whisper, speed walking through the hallway to fall in step with him. "Can I hangout with you and your friends?"


"Because I like you." You folded your arms, to avoid accidental thigh-arm brushes with other people. "I felt comfortable with you yesterday, and I don't have to talk a lot to be around you. You don't have to say yes."

The young blond hedgehog stayed quiet, allowing you to walk with him through the busy hallway. He was stumped, he never had someone ask permission to be with him... except Deku... the other idiots (friends) had imposed themselves in his space. Also, the comment about you liking him; the purity in that comment bewildered him further. The tone you used was a trusting one. Bakugou noticed you staring at the floor. Your shoulders stiff, as if preparing for rejection.

"Don't you hangout with Roundface and that frog?"

"Yaaaaa," You dragged out. "But I have to talk all the time. And when they talk to me about our classmates, they use the actual names. I can't remember peoples names that well, and your method of nicknames is like mine, so... oh, plus I told Uraraya-"


"Ah geez. Good thing I've been avoiding using her name..." You mumbled. Bakugou snorted. "Anyway. I told Uraraka that I wanted to be with you and your buddies to get a vibe about the class."

"A vibe?" He repeated. You both stood in the food queue. "You want to hangout with me and Shitty Hair, to vibe?"

You cringed, "You hangout with that purple grape boy? Is that another nickname for him? That's kinda rude, not gonna lie. Like, he cant control it."

The both of you stared at each other, you could see Bakugou trying to comprehend what you said.

"No." He answered. "And I think you'd be fine with those airheads. You spoke a lot just then, if you hadn't noticed."

The finality in his tone made you chuckle. Spiky red hair entered the room. You both locked eyes, he smiled.

"Ohmygosh." You muttered. Your companion quirked a brow. "The cute boy that hugged me in the nurse's office is coming over. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod."

{Elusive} - BNHA x Air Bender!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now