Chapter 21: It's not nice to be held

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Katsuki sat in the absolute corner of the bar. He watched in horror as his main attacker screamed. It wasn't normal. It wasn't angry.

And worst of all, the man was clutching your torn bleeding body.

"Dabi, calm down-"

The man erupted into a blazing blue ball of fire, with you at the epicenter. There was no reasoning. No more water to throw at them.

He couldn't do anything. The villains were focused on the fire and trying to get someone that could do something.

"Look, man, I know she's cute but-"

The man Katsuki finally acknowledged as Dabi broke at that. The fire was back. Katsuki had been pulled away. Everyone ran. Bottles popped from the heat. The liquid adding fuel to the explosion of the bar.

Katsuki was held very very tightly by a very very big person.

"Dont worry, little one. Big Sis has you."

They ran for the void and entered on to a roof. The league of villains screaming and rolling to put out their clothes.

He hazards a glance back. The buildings were torn to shreds. Blue fire cooled to yellow orange blobs. Again, you at the epicenter. Protecting the both of you with no movement but a very solid air barrier. And glowing eyes.

The damage dissipated. They were on the outskirts of an abandoned city.

Another horrific scream rattled through. There was more blood. It was fucking spraying out of you. Someone ran towards your pair. He yelled for Dabi to calm his tits. That snapped him into focus.

Dabi could help you. Katsuki had been clutching on to his new Big Sis. There was nothing he could do.

He would have to rely on their kidnappers to save your life. He felt sick. This was wrong. They were introducing themselves. They were trying to keep him calm. Like a trauma victim. The way he was supposed to as a hero. Albeit their methods were obviously cruder than his, they worked.

He was here. Now. Katsuki had to ground himself. He would be useless to you and UA if he blindly attacked. They were being nice. You would be very upset with him if he turned down their decency. It had been another arguement that spilt you further a part. An arguement he found he was in the wrong for.

People save people. Not heroes.


Warp took her to the epicenter. Then returned quickly, because Dabi actually meant for Twice. Big Sis had been patting his head in a consoling manner, but had to stop to wrangle the blood thirsty girl.

He sat at Big Sis' feet. He buried his face into his palms. He waited for you to be alive.


Now Shigiraki did not think the mall girl would be this intensive a fighter.

In the field you were losing blood to the point Dabi, his most ruthless, stopped fighting to tackle you down. To stop your fighting. No. It was to stop your bleeding.

There was a reason for those screams to be so heart shattering. A reason he would have let you use his jacket the mall day.

His target was wrong from the start. You were student needed. And Dabi knew, he kept you away for as long as he could.

"I was wrong to kidnap you." He said, thinking fast. "But this was the only way we could speak."

"Then speak."

He wasn't scratching at his neck. He was clear. Concise. His troop were silent. Not sure what the plan was, but not wanting to botch it, either.

Shigiraki twisted this botched plan in to a Micheal painting, the mutant turtle kind. He said he wanted to find out Katsuki's drive. Why did he want to be a Villainous Hero? Does he actually want to save people? Or is it the title?

That did it. The student wrapped himself into his cloak of ego for protection. It didn't matter what any one, kidnapper or kidnapped, had to say. The distraction served its purpose. Shigiraki told the others to scout a new place. A stable one with no flammables.

"That's impossible."

"Just fucking do what I said! Take him with."

He and Kurogiri made their way to what he presumed was your corpse. But then Dabi looked happy, relieved. Good. The new plan is still in effect.

He already made decent progress in inducting you. Though what made him stop was that you didn't care which side of the wall you were on. You wanted to break the wall. Working with a person of that mind set is never a good thing, especially if you want control over the person you're working with... so he dropped it.

And now he was going to pick it back up and hold it above his head. This had all of his focus. This was the best way to get at the world.

"How is she?"

"She's a manifestor," Saber said. "We can't replace the blood she lost. We're going to have to feed her well, let her replenish what's lost on her own."

"How poetic." Kurogiri said.

Saber's hands were shaking. He expended a lot to stem the flow. He explained how his water manifestation and his knowledge in medicine helped fix together arteries, veins and the like.

"Ah, like a plumber."

"Yes, boss. Like a plumber. How are we going to move her?"

"The others are looking. Also there's been a change in plans. We're going to toss the short one back. He's use less."

"But you said you liked-"

"Yes, the explosions were useful. In hindsight, though..."

Dabi had been wiping the blood off your arms with a damp cloth. But it was so stoked in blood, he created a red lacquered student. Varnished and ready for display. Twice tried to help, coating the rest of your face and neck.

Shigiraki watched Dabi closely. Dabi took off his long over coat to fashion it into a carrier of sorts. Ah. That's where the cloth had come from. His shirt had been torn to rags, lay beside you in a bloody mess.

"We'll keep this one until she heals. Twice can drive her home when we aren't been watched."

"You're going to give her back?" Kurogiri asked.

Twice, Dabi and Saber too didn't believe him. They didn't need to know the whole plan. This plan was very very very low maintenance compared to Katsuki's induction.

"You saw how she fought to get her friend back. How is she going to react if that friend has been returned? She goes back. We get good press for looking after students that, well, were hurt by us."

"Instead of doing further harm, we looked after them and returned them." Kurogiri tried to understand. "We spoke to them, and gave them back."

"UA students are incorruptible. I did say all I wanted to do was talk. There mentors blew the situation out of control."

This was the plan. Hopefully Katsuki and you would allow for this plan to work.

{Elusive} - BNHA x Air Bender!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now