Chapter 14: Mall Day

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You threw the door open before Dabi could knock.


"Ok, kid."


"You wouldn't."


He squeezed you into him. The air in your lungs managed to escape the man's hug, but you didnt have such luck.

"Slow down."

You did. He held you at arm's length now, with a slight stoop. He grimaced at whatever emotional turmoil you couldnt hide. Which was all of it.

He squished your face between his palms as he rubbed your tears around like a moisturizer.

"I did tell you to call me whenever, right? Why are you getting so worked up?"

"You didnt want to meet my dad."

"I never said that."

"You didnt have to."

Dabi sighed. Straightened up, with his hands still on your shoulders. Then, he shook you by the shoulders.

"You are my sister."

Each word punctuated with a gentle, controlled, shake.

"And if we really are fake family, then you are supposed to call."

"But I dont know how fake families and real families are meant to mix."

"We're making this shit up as we go. Adults never know what to do, we just say we do. You know that. It pisses you off all the time."

Dabi turned to the doorway mirror. He hugged you into his side, stood you both proud and tall together.

"I'm here for you Y/N. You've had shit siblings. I. Mine are dead, so. But we are a healthy fake family, and I'll try... I will protect that. Don't assume how I'm going to react to something, ok? Just ask. I'll deal with what I need to deal with, no matter what you need. Stopcryingfuckkidcomeoneweneedtogoseeyourdad."

You tried. You really did. All you could do was let your self cling to the adult, who tried to push you away because suddenly affection is to much for him. If he hadn't tore and glued your heart apart in those few words, you would have rolled your eyes.

A horrific snore echoed through the rooms.

"Good thing the apartment's sound proof."

You then explained the plan of action your dad came up with. You wouldn't be able to stay with him at the chiropractor, Dabi would have to. You had to do camp shopping. Dad was adamant about that.

Dad cheerfully greeted your brother from, definitely, another mother and father. He winced as he hobbled out to the car you were sure Dabi hijacked to get here.

You rubbed off the dried flakey blood from the passenger seat handle. Then, you opened it for Dad. There were a few spluttered spots on the dash too.

Dad's eyesight was getting pretty bad, so long as he kept off his reading glasses... it'll be fine. You slid into the back. There were bloodied rags hastily tucked underneath the drivers seat.

"Bonding time with my eldest son." Dad joked. Then back pedalled, "Daughter's guardian."

Dabi. He froze at the steering wheel. Hands stuck at ten and two.

"I told my dad about us."


The air was tense everywhere but around Dad. Who cheerily told Dabi that it was only the silly things you speak about. The cute things, according to him.

{Elusive} - BNHA x Air Bender!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now