Chapter 28: Troubled Paradise

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You were going to end your agency. Burn it, and kill every one of those people. That included your family. The ones involved.

Uraraka poured tea for the ones closest to her. Tsuyu tried to keep a dialogue with you. Mineta sat beside you, and let you leans on him a bit. He let you play with a ball. You kept it off your skin with little bursts of air.

"N-Nado, p-p- fuck. Give!"

You handed him the sugar. Katsuki grumbled a thanks. He had a slight... well sometimes it was slight, speech impediment after the head trauma. He did well with his physio, this was the last of his reminder of the reality choosen. He was angry, and the only way you could see resolving it was willful agency culling.

The ball was stuck to your palm. In your haste to allow Katsuki his sugar, your bending stopped. Mineta helped you. He put the ball back on his head and rubbed your palm.

You were glad Mineta was around. He wasn't being leery. to you. This was still a hard thing for the girls to come to terms with. They keep warning you, but you can only allow a person to grow if you provide the space. And he was providing a space for you.

You understood their worry. It's not like a wolf can throw a sheepskin rug on the floor of his lair and say lots of sheep feel safe here. Especially if he invited another wolf, and the first wolf claims the second one is a sheep, because they came in after he bought the rug.

But Mineta was patient around you, like Todoroki and Tokoyami are too. They let you explain your power moves, or ask for advice on Rohan. Well an opinion of how Rohan is with his training.

Uraraka floated the teapot over to Iida. Who refilled his sector of cups. The students babbled about the exam. They especially kept away from any mentions of the kidnap. Katsuki could not get his words, the ones he wanted, to be said fast enough, this makes the stutter worst. Makes his anger worse. He decimated a classroom.

Midoriya offered you biscuits, but you declined. You continued to watch Mineta's small hands massage your palms and wrists. He was adamant to work out the tension he felt. Because hands aren't suppose to be like this, according to him. You had too thick calluses for a lady as pretty as you, in his words.

"I had to do this for Mount Lady. But her hands weren't this dense. It's like massaging Cementos."

You laughed. This was another reason you kept around Mineta. It was hard to take life seriously in his or Kaminari's company. Kirishima now a days had a dark cloud around him. He took on Katsuki's pain as his own, though he did not understand. His vows to fuck up the league made them stop talking. Katsuki didn't want any part of it. Didn't want to hear it.

He missed Big Sis like you missed Dabi and Twice. Je didn't need to say it. There were little things he'd do for himself that were what she would do to soothe him. Her method for hot chocolate, the way she arranged his food on the table. These were significant changes from the classes perspective. For you it was sad. The time he had with the villains had been short, it was enough to turn his way thinking, his way of life on its head.

You felt his unbalance, and he felt ours. You were trauma bonded. Friends again, in Dad's stupid eyes.

Dad thinks it was the villains. He hasn't brought up Dabi, so you had a feeling they already had words.

You lay behind Mineta. Your face by his elbow. He playfully leaned on you as an arm rest, which made you laugh again. The class picnic outside of the dorm house was a good idea. Iida's idea. It's even better when you had your back to your prison block, I mean, dorms.

The exams were drawing close. Your concept of time shattered. You lived according to routine. When it felt like the routine had been meant to be. This is what Aizawa explained. You didn't understand it, though how are you supposed to when you're the patient and not the doctor.

The most recent cause of his upset, you made breakfast for the dorms at 2 this morning. You didn't even know you were quiet, you thought you were banging things together whilst prepping. If Aizawa hadn't been marking papers and needed a coffee refill, you would have been on your way to class. Because he found you in uniform, at the door. Then you said everybody's going to be late, you made breakfast so you hope they wake up soon, and that the prepped breakfast would speed them up.

You weren't allowed to cook now. You had to wear a watch now. It was ugly, plain. The kind a doctor would use, because that's the person who gave it to you.

A third year came over.

"Where's L/N Y/N?" They asked.

Mineta felt you tense. He felt the sudden cold around you. You didn't like to be summoned to the office by other students, and it had become a regular occurrence, because the office needed you a lot.

"I can take a message." He lisped. "She's busy with the engineering students."

They rolled their eyes. And made for the engineering building.

"So I set them on a quest."

You laughed again. You could only say his name, and turn on your back. You coughed. Mineta smiled at you. Then screamed.

Uraraka, Iida and Mineta escorted you to the nurse's office. Uraraka floated you, the other two screamed. And kept screaming. Which you found was funny and made you laugh more. More blood.

{Elusive} - BNHA x Air Bender!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now