Chapter 16: Underestimated

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Now. Logic told you Tiger wanted the best for you. Your pride however.

You stayed out of sight. You weren't going to use your manifestation, you didnt need to at this point. But they kept shouting and yelling at you because of it. Aizawa would calmly interrupt, and push for them to focus on Midoriya. It would work. Until he was unconscious again.

The scroll Zaheer gave would help with training Rohan, that much you figured out. It had solid stances for fire bending and further spiritual manifestation. Your goal was to get him on your level, if not more. Zaheer did it. Why couldnt you? And this would ensure the kid's safety. After all, no where is safe. You make you safe.

You practiced with weight attachments to your wrists and ankles. You punched and kicked at an imaginary opponent. Bakugou yelled 'Damn It!' Or 'Die!' every now and again. With the cacophony of training students, Bakugou's voice was the clearest noise you used to ground you. It helped with your own pacing, the screams in tempo with your jabs.

You needed to talk to him again. You missed him. But to admit that would be pathetic.

"L/N! Your suppose to be going beyond Plus Ultra!"

You watched as the Tiger advanced, their shoulders heavy with having to deal with idiotic minors. You had to remind yourself. Tiger is not the person you keep thinking of. For starters, Derek would have slithered up to you, then berate your choices. This was just yelling.

"Did you not hear me, L/N!?"

"Sir," You spoke in a polite monotone. "If you have any problems with how I'm training, please talk to Mr Aizawa."

"No!" He thundered. "Train that quirk! Practice that air cannon move! Now! Now! Now!"

The trees had your attention now. Tiger was obsessed with the cannon. Which in hopes of calming Tiger, Aizawa made you do the technique. Clearly to show you aren't inept with your manifestation. You weren't like the other students. You chose this power. And only you can control your potential.

"Look at me when I talk to you!"

No screaming cat was going to change that.

Aizawa strolled over to the pair of you. Lazily. Tired. You didn't need to see him, you could hear the lazy shuffle of his steps through the crispy leaves. And the signature sigh. Now. Now you looked into the Tiger's eye.

"You aren't her over seer, I am." Aizawa placed a hand on your head. "We're focusing on her form, her abilities work differently to the rest of the class. Everyone uses raw power, L/N's is linked to her on a spiritual and emotional level. I know how to handle her, and would appreciate it if you didn't emotionally abuse my students."

Your face was wet. Your vision was blurred. You rubbed away the tears of weakness, no, the tears of being seen. He was truly a great teacher. Your abilities. No one has ever broke it down so simply. So few words, but you felt a 14 wheeler truck drag your corpse through a - you were getting carried away with the metaphors and similes no one else would hear.

You chose to be present now. Your teacher believed in you. Not only that, he was the man you built your starting stances around. Aizawa had more influence on your opinions than your father. Than Dabi! You would never be able to articulate it without feeling like you're over stepping parental boundaries. You put those boundaries, and out of respect, they would stay there until you died. He will never know. You'd make sure of it. This mentorship meant more to you than Kuzon. Yes. More. To admit it would be pathetic. Again.

"How would you know how to handle her?"

"It's my business to know how to work with my kids."

You heard Tiger scoff. They continued bickering for a minute, you held your scroll, examining it as it shook in your grasp.

Two more of the Pussycats came over in an attempt to calm their buff counterpart. They stomped about, anger unheard.

You could hear Bakugou's explosions, but not his exclamations. You hazard a glance. He listened in and you could see the electric air around him. But he kept up the good work. He teeth baring at the barrels, in tempo with Tiger's shouts.

Maybe you should talk to him now, the mentors were distracted- nope. You hesitated. That was your problem. Now you were locked in an unskipable cutscene.

Tiger yelled to the clouds. They stomped over to you, grabbed a fist full of your shirt. The glasses revealed the mind, they took you as a threat, not a student.

Aizawa shot out his scarf, restricting anymore hostile moves from the Pussycat.

"L/N vs me, ends at a complete knockout. If your student beats me in a fair fight using quirks, she continues to train with you. I win, she trains my way. She shouldn't be stuck in a rut of repetitive training just 'cause her daddy said so."

Your father's honour had been attacked. Not just that, but your role model's. You had no qualms about beating this pumped up control freak. Teeth bared, you agreed.

You removed your weights, took stance a few steps away from each other. You missed his twisty curves and kicks, you jabbed with air punches. Solid walls of force.

The air had been knocked out of their lungs with a strong current you hit at their tummy, sneakily pulled more air than their lungs had intended to let go. You bounced from foot to foot, taking a loose Cat-like fighting stance, unsure of what he'd do. You decided to lead with earth bending stances, using Nika's techniques to deal heavier blows.

Tiger caught their breath, then ran at what you had assumed to be full speed. Too quick to avoid when you land lock your stance. You recalled what Midoriya said earlier that day when he fanboyed over breakfast. You directed a current to the left leg, unbalancing them from shock. You channeled your inner Almight, punching them in his healing hipbone, re-fracturing it.

Tiger recovered quickly, as if a sickening crack hadn't been heard. They grabbed on to your shirt, threw you at the lake.

You bent an air bubble around you to avoid falling into the water, shooting more high velocity punches from a distance.

Tiger narrowly dodged the first two, only to be hit when the pain in their hip ran through their side. He fell to the floor as you launched yourself mid air to land a kick at the Pussycats jaw.

Tiger was about to jump at you, so you bent the air to form a high velocity bubble of current. You moved gracefully, hearing Midoriya praise your skills from a distance. The praise fell on deaf ears. You were aware, but you were angry. You had your father's blind rage, a lovely inherited gift wrapped up with bloodily bow. You needed to taste it. Smell it.

It was bloodlust, you thought you grew out of this phase. You were your sister's sister. Your father's daughter. It's laughable you thought you were capable of more. Of peace.

In the furthest depths of your mind, you watched your movements. Your thoughts. You weren't in control. You were aware.

You slammed the bubble full force into the ground. Not a tree. You didn't want to give any breathing space. More cracks. They coughed blood but you weren't close enough.

No. Dont!

Your air blades grew larger with each second you got closer. Thin, high speed circles of air. You created it as a rescue move to cut through concrete, because of that one time Zaheer got trapped, but your arms were in them.

In them.

You weren't stopping. You nearly cut through Aizawa's scarf. This is how you learnt, that even blinded by rage your loyalty holds. They were soft defenses, while your hands beat and bashed at the bloody mess under you.

Now you were on the floor. Green above as below. Green attacking you. Not fast enough. You launched the both of you into the air. You above, Midoriya below. You kicked at his chest with further air power, accelerating his descent.

Your landing was good, solid. Not like Midoriya's. You were on top of Tiger too, goody goody goody. Your fist slammed into Yao momo's net, blowing it back at her. Trapping herself.

Now. All of the students were on you. Even with all of class A, it felt like hours. Only Dark shadow could tackle you down long enough for some one to inject something into you.

{Elusive} - BNHA x Air Bender!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now