Chapter 20: stop playing, please.

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The world was wrong. The story was wrong.

If you hadn't taken out Tiger, he could've done something about these villains. Pixie Bob had a direct hit, and now lay on the villains' side of the standoff. You couldn't give Mandalay back up because she told you to stay out of this.

She doesn't trust you, no matter your field experience, education or standing. You were the person who hurt her friend, a fellow trainer and hero. You took out a major player in this battle.

"What's a hero doing trying to be happy like a normal person?" The reptilian villain said.

It did not help that you laughed. Mandalay had been trying to reason with them, while you were in your melty bubble.

She snapped, made you go find her boi, Kota. The silly goose left for the mountains after leaving you and Tokoyami at the medical bay.

You ran with Midoriya to the Mountains. You were happy he kept in place with your air boost bounds. Mina had dressed you up, as she promised, very prettily. You were flowing robes of fabric, flowers and glitter every where.

Midoriya halted, which made you unintentionally do the prettiest twirl to turn to him. Here, in the very heart of the woods, you struck another pretty pose to ask what's wrong. Midoriya missed it though. He was rambling and muttering that this way was right. But it was also wrong.

You let Midoriya make a grab for his straws, while you drifted around him prettily.

Mina worked with you, not against. So you felt glorious, beautiful from her plucking and preening. Her ribbons and bows. Like a princess that has yet to exist. You never dress up. Comments on your existence never please you, you opt to be dreary and bland. This made you feel like you should dress up all the time.

You didn't know why, but this was fun. You hugged Midoriya's back. That didn't get his attention. Well, not completely. He absentmindedly pulled you into a proper hug. You missed Dabi. He continued to ramble his nonsense into your hair. This was nice.

Mina made a joke earlier, one about if you got lost, any one could spot you from an overhead drone. It was funny when you were all safe. Now, not so much.

Especially with the shadows oozing into the moonlight.


"That tree shouldn't be in season at this time of year."


"They're found in the Philippines, too."


"That ones upside down. But it could be the Baobab tree..."


He finally noticed you needed his attention. You realized you are a very bad fae. You would let all the other girls down if they knew. He muttered that your potential attacker has not notice you notice them. Midoriya held you tighter.

"The shadows." You whispered. "I'm weak against shadow types."

You were shaking in his arms. He suggested that he throws you, he would deal with the shadow, you would get to Kota.

He counted to three.

You were pulled apart. Midoriya flung in the direction you hoped held Kota. You were encapsulated by the shadows. You could barely breath, only see.

"Hello, Aang."

Motherfucker. Like his quirk, the villain oozed into view. His open shirt revealed his marred torso. You knew immediately. The aftermath of a Shria attack.

{Elusive} - BNHA x Air Bender!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now