Chapter 25: Professional Check Up

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You cried as soon as you realized it was Rohan looking at you. He threw his weight on you in relief. Pressure on the stab helped ease it. It also jogged your memory. How you got here.

You sobbed into the top of his head. You told him not to join the hero or the villain world. You kept the reasons to your self, and just told him it would be better to invest his life to a cause he sees actually do change first hand by him. Fuck the titles, because the titles meant shit.

You would have said this. In truth you focused on calming your breath to not scare Rohan more. How could you explain the complexity of what just happened. What has happened. The truth of the Red Lotus Project. And now this lie.

The league hasn't hurt you. Your agency has. Multiple times. And you dont want to find out how long they would be willing to do this.

You would let the world burn. It doesn't deserve the good you bring it. It spits in your face and does you dirty, then says 'yeah that looks about right'.

Katsuki and you were in the same room. You weren't sure if he heard anything through his gauzed head. You and Rohan kept reasonably quiet. He told you about his time with the other parent. And you were glad she took care of him well. His manifestation is unbalanced now, resulting in outbursts of inferno. Mom tried her best, now its Dad's turn.

Which means it's your turn. Because dad told you to. He didn't have to, you didn't like that he basically gave you parenting rights as a sibling. He did this with each child. That's why he had so many broken dolls to play with. You were his pals, not his spawn.

You told Rohan a similar thing happened when you returned from the Zaheer training holiday. That you would help him with training. Your spazzing out came from not using your manifestation at all, which turned out to be his reason too. He had been suppressing it, like his anger. But he is a fiery quick tempered kid. You have to work with, not against.

Dad walked in. He inflated when he saw you were awake. Then deflated with confusion from your statement.

"I'm dropping out of UA."

He listed the reasons he saw not to. The delusions of a parent. How hard you worked to be here. The friends you made.

You didn't work hard to be here. You were a pleasure to have in class, but not as a student. You were transferred here. To a different asylum with more experienced doctors. The friends you made happened to be in the same institute.

Begrudgingly you said you'd stay. You let his excuse of these teachers being the only ones that know to handle you be the reason. You were doing this for the qualification now. Not to help people. Because fuck the people. You were dishonoring Stain with this thinking. You wouldn't help the ones that didn't want to be helped, you decided. People play God all the time. Believe you are one. Work in harmony, not let yourself be torn to pieces for the sake of societal delusion.

You will do more. You will be more.

The best way to do that now was use UA to be a safe space to work with Rohan. He was getting angry with this conversation. Angry that Dad wasn't listening to the points you tried to interject with, angry that you gave in. After Dad left to call a Doctor, you told Rohan this. Only this.

"Bide my time." You murmured. "Figure out what to do after this term. I'm not going to stay in this for three fucking years."

"We can leave. We did it before."

"That got you taken away, bro. If I'm breaking their rules now, I'm doing it leagally. I'm gonna fuck them up. Gonna fuck them up so bad, they'll want to change legislation. But we're gonna have to..."

"You okay?"

"We're gonna gonna bide our time. Dont worry about it. I will sort everything out. Just chill."

He snorted but let it be for now. You were light headed. It would be bad to take a nap now. From experience you knew it would fuck you up.

Dad came in with the Doctor. Who told you to take a nap. You said fine.

If you seize, they must handle it. If you die.

Who would train Rohan?

You pretended to sleep. You pretended to take their medicine.

You were going to fuck them up. But first you need to heal.

{Elusive} - BNHA x Air Bender!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now