Chapter 34: Regroup

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The steamy bath, girls and Kuzon. It was a dream. A very relaxing dream. Nope. Jirou wouldn't be looking at you like that if these were dreams. No. She apologized, a bashful glance away.

You realized you've been isolating a lot more than people were letting on. For instance, this is the first time the girls have seen your scars. The recent Cover Cut from the agency.

"So this is why you don't bath with us." Tsuyu said.

"I don't like Yaoyurozu curling her nose at me."

"I'm sorry. It's just so big."

The steamy room hid a lot more than the girls. You sunk lower into the tub. Uraraka gentle and slow, poured water over your hair. She ran her fingers through, even slower. Even gentler. You were melting.

"She's going to drown."

"Can I wash your hair? I know you just did, but I want to play with your textures."

"That sounds problematic."

"My hair is like straw!" Uraraka yelled. "All of these element crash courses are ruining it. It's so dry. Please. Let me live vicariously. Why is it so fluffy?!"

"What element course?" You asked.

"Weather endurance. When you're training Rohan, Aizawa does an extra class."

"How long has this been?"

"Since you started training Rohan."

You couldn't help the distasteful growl that emerged. Though your irritation triggered Kuzon's purring. You couldn't see him through the haze, but that was the alert of his presence. He was getting good at sneaking. Aside from the purr triggers.

You'd think of a way around it. How to handle it in field. He was determined to be with you in battle. So you were monitoring Rohan, training Kuzon to keep up, learning whatever Kid tells you, figuring out a way to steal a kiss from Shigiraki without Dabi noticing (you cant but you can think it), and the usual course work.

It was going to be hell to keep up with the agency updates. You've been ghosting them thanks to Kid's help. And they've kept quiet on their end.

And now there were these classes behind your back. Your mentor mentored the others without you. Sure you were very busy already, and you had requested to be left out of useless classes to have time for at least the fucking homework- ah.

This was fine. You did ask for this. And seeing the girls all weathered and worn, contrasted Swaggy Z's pampering. She usually treated your hair to her kitchen cupboard care.

The door slid open. A hand and glasses that were meant to indicate Ida popped through.

"A word of warning." The glasses said. "Class meeting at 18h00. Please be in attendance. Fully dressed, if you can manage. Thank you for your time."

The door was politely slid closed.

"I love Ida." You said quietly.

"You're the most harsh on him." Hagakure said. "You're attached to Todoroki all the time."

"Yeeeaaaaah, what's the deal between you and Todo Froki. I mean, roki."

"Shut up, Mina. Leave her alone."

"Who's your actual boyfriend?"

"This is the real reason I don't hangout with any of you." You said with a bite of venom that shocked even you. "It's the same fucking retarded conversation that my father is only capable of."

There were no splashes. No more sweet giggles. Just steadily bloating corpses from your snarl. It was a contrast to outside the room.

First there was a cacophony of breaking wood. Then running. Now a big yellow flash with ear bleeding crackles of energy.

{Elusive} - BNHA x Air Bender!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now