Pranks, Death, Cats and...Buckbeak?

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*this chapter has been edited*

   I meet up early in the girl's bathrooms with Reg, OJ, and Lele to do some final touch-ups to our little prank.

"You good OJ? You look paler than usual," I comment with a frown.

"Yeah," she responds. "It's just the full moon that's coming around the corner."

I sigh. "I promise you, we're going to find a way to help you through this, there has to be something out there to help with Werewolf transformations."

She frowns. "Yeah, i suppose. Enough about me, let's go through the plan one more time before breakfast."

"Okie dokie, I'll go over the list. OJ, you did all of the research on the spell that you could and put the final touches on the potion?"

She nods.

"Perfect. Lele, you were able to get the house-elves in the kitchens to sprinkle a little of the potion in all of the food?"

"Yep. Mickey says hi by the way."

"I'll have to go and visit him tonight, I meant to after the feast but I kinda went into a food coma."

"Honestly Marrie, when don't you get into a food coma?"

"Hush Reg. Speaking of, you got what we needed?"

"Mhm. Peeves said that he's excited to get back in business with us this year."

"Excellent. Looks like we're ready to go then"

We exit the bathroom as the students begin to file into the Great Hall, but we stay behind under Harry's cloak, which he totally let me "borrow". We sit down at our seats at our respective tables, and once everyone is seated, the food pops up, and we all share a knowing glance as everyone starts to dig in. After about three mouthfuls of food, everyone's hair started to turn different colors. I was particularly enjoying my maroon streaks in my golden hair, and Reg's electric blue in her dark brown curly hair. This was all of the signal that OJ and Lele needed to set off the spell, which spelled in firework letters, "Welcome to another Marauder-full year at Hogwarts!". It went off without a hitch until-

"BLACK, PENNISON, COTTAGORE AND RENINSON DETENTION TONIGHT IN MY OFFICE!" McGonagall yells, while the other Professors (all sporting different hair colors of course), were trying to contain their laughter (except for Snape, nothing can break his sneer it seems like), and all were succeeding except for Remus, who was openly dying of laughter at our welcome home prank.

"Sounds like a date Minnie!" I yell and me, OJ, Lele, and Reg burst into grins at the sight of our plan working.

After Dumbledore changed everyone's hair back to normal, we were dismissed to our classes for the day, which split me up from the girls for a lot of them unfortunately.

"And...we're lost. There's got to be a shortcut to this place. How're we supposed to make it to the north tower if we have no idea where the bloody thing is?" Ron grumbles

"Maybe it's this way," Hermoine points, only earning a shake of the head from Ron.

"No, that's south, look you can see the lake out of that window there." he responds.

I look around to see if there's any teachers around that can help us, with no luck. So, I do the next best thing and walk over to the first painting I see.

"Aha! What villains are these, that trespass upon my private lands! Come to scorn at my fall, perchance? Draw your knaves, you dogs!" The knight yells as he pulls out his sword, which is too long for him, and we watch as he topples to the ground after swishing it at us.

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