Patronuses and Family Reunion (part two)

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*this chapter has been edited*

   "HE SAID WHAT!?" Reg, OJ, and Le yell in unison in the middle of the Great Hall.

"You guys, it's not that big of a deal-"

"Not that big of a deal?! Marrie-he-he"

"He crossed the line," OJ finished Le's train of thought, and the three of them nodded.

"He was just mad about the whole Firebolt situation I-I'm sure he didn't mean it,"

"That doesn't mean it's alright, he shouldn't have said anything at all," Le responded

"Screw this, where is the little prick?" OJ says, and her and Reg turn on their heels, bolting to the Gryffindor tower, me and Le close behind. Once inside, the three of them-OJ and Reg in the lead, Le less than a foot behind-race up to the boys dorm.

"Oh hi Reg, how was your-"

Ron was cut off by Reg's punch to his face, several more following that. After about ten seconds of watching her beat Ron, Fred and George run in and Fred pulls Reg off of Ron.

"What the bloody hell was that for?!"

"What-what was that for? WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" OJ yells in response to Ron's question. "How about everything that you said to Amara on Christmas? How about telling her that she's a murder and her father is sketchy because Merlin forbid a teacher doesn't have perfect health. You screwed up Ron, and we're not going to let you forget it."

"Harry said things to her too! Before the Hogsmeade trip!" Ron counters

"You're right, but at least Harry owned up to his mistakes, and the circumstances were different at that point. It wasn't even your broom that got taken away, and how would you feel if Harry got on and rode a jinxed broom? Surely you remember how well he handled it in first year." Le answers. At this point, Hermione and Harry have entered the dorm as well, the latter moving over to me and squeezing my hand comfortingly before dropping it.

"What's she doing here? Her cat might try to kill Scabbers again!"

This time, I speak up. "Because there's no rule saying that she can't come here Ron."

"Oh shut up Amara, you probably just confunded her to do your dirty work since your broom plan didn't work out." Ron argues, his face as red as his hair. This time, it's Harry who walks over and slaps him in the face.

"Say that one more time, I dare you." he says darkly. "That's what I thought." From there, he walks back over to me, takes my hand, and we leave the dorm, walking downstairs to the common room. Mione, Fred, OJ, Le, George, and Reg coming down not even a minute later.

"Just wait until we write to Mum about this Mar, he'll get what's coming to him-" George starts, but I cut him off.

"No, don't tell your mum. He has every right to have his own opinion, and if that opinion is hating me for something that I didn't do, then so be it," I glance at the others, and they all nod, keeping any disagreement with my statement to themselves.

~time skip brought to you by procrastination~

Thursday comes up faster than what we think, so it's time for Harry's first lesson with Dad to help him against the Dementors. Now, being the person I am, I've naturally decided to tag along, partly because he asked me to earlier, the rest so I can see my Dad. Reaching his quarters, a thought hits my head, and I stop just before I knock on the door.

"Hey Har, don't tell Dad about Ron, alright? He's already stressed out enough with trying to get legal custody over me with the Ministry and his health-"

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