To Break the Rules, or to Not Break the Rules (feat. Quidditch and a cat chase)

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*this chapter has been edited*

   It's almost as if we're seers, because by the end of the week all anyone can talk about is how amazing Lupin's classes are. Anyone who's friends with Malfoy hate it of course, but Lele and OJ say nothing but compliments whenever asked about their opinions on the new professor. However, if Snape catches you talking about Neville's boggart, he'll take away house points before you can say ridikulous.

As for the other classes, they're not as fun-well, save for Minnie's class and charms, but everything else makes me want to take a long walk off of the astronomy tower.

Unfortunately, the news of Harry's tea leaves has spread like wildfire too. He can't walk anywhere without people breaking into hushed whispers about his fate, which most people have connected it somehow to Sirius breaking out of Azkaban, which has led to loads of rumors spreading about me. I don't blame them for being scared though, I would be too. But Dean, Seamus, Lavender, Parvati, and even Percy have stopped talking to me and give me the nastiest looks whenever I'm in the same room as them. This of course has led to every other Wealey child wanting to hex the pants off their own brother, not to mention the girls, they're almost scarier than the Basilisk, and ultimately me having to hold Harry and everyone else back whenever a bad word is muttered about me, not that I really care, I've heard worse. The good news is, Quidditch season is starting, which is a great way to take out my emotions.

"Alright," Oliver Wood started as we all walked onto the pitch. He's gotten more stressed since the end of my second year. Without a doubt it's because the stress of winning the cup in his seventh year is looming over him like a cloud.

"This is our last chance-my last chance-to win the cup. I'll be gone after this year, and I would like to win, seeing as Gryffindor hasn't won for seven years now. Some could say we've had the worst luck-injuries...the tournament getting called off at the last minute...but we all know that we have the best team in-the-school." And with that, the old Wood was back, making us all feel a bit better.

He points to me, then Reg, then Angelina Jhonson. "We've got fantastic starting chasers. Amara, even though trouble almost always follows her when she plays. Not to mention how well Regan can maneuver around the chaos and work as if she and Amara are one person. And Katie's passes are superb, no other team has three well-oiled machines like you three."

He then points to Fred and George. "And we have two invincible beaters, who always succeed in protecting our chasers."

"Awe, stop it Ollie, you're making us blush," the two say together, acting as if their faces are as red as their hair.

"And a seeker that has never failed in winning us a match!" he turns finally to Harry.

"And me,"

"The best keeper Gryffindor's ever been blessed with!" George and Fred exclaim, slapping Wood on the back.

"Anyways, that cup should've had our name on it for the past two years. Ever since Harry joined the team, I've known we have it in the bag, and that feeling only grew once we've added Regan and Amara. And yet, we still haven't touched it, and this year's the last chance we'll get to..."

"This year's our year." Fred said

"We'll do it, Oliver!" Followed Regan

"Definitely," Harry finished

And with that, the endless nights of training commenced. Some have adorned new bruises, with me holding the most as of the moment. Most of us had to learn how to quickly heal the worst of them so we can still function properly, but we all agreed that everything will be worth it once we're holding the silver cup in our hands. The best part is when Reg, OJ, and I have Lele compare our marks to see who's getting the worst of them, seeing as OJ's on the Slytherin team as a fantastic beater, despite being the only girl on the team.

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