Finish Line

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Holy shit that is a big trench...

Was Izuku's first thought, followed by, We have to climb across those thin little poles?!

At that moment, he was glad for his rather small stature, because if he were larger, he'd probably have a hard time keeping a koala grip on the poles, shimmeying across them, and avioding the hot water being shot up at all of them.

Yeah, not a fun time in the slightest. He could barely keep tabs on how the other competiters were doing, too focused on not falling to his death or being boiled alive.

Honestly, it probably wasn't as deadly as his mind was making it out too be, because why would UA make a death trap in the sports festival, but then again, the entrance exam felt pretty deadly...

No, stupid Deku! Focus!!

He continued scrambling along, barely noticing as everyone passed by using their quirks. But he couldn't, it was too dangerous for everyone else.

Eventually, he got to the other side, only then seeing how everyone was ahead of him. He hadn't been very high up in the lead anyways, but still, he had been left in the dirt.

He shook his head, and continued running. He needed to at least get to the second round, otherwise he'd be letting down All Might and Aizawa-sensei and Mom and he couldn't do that to them because they'd helped him for so long even though he was just a useless Deku so if he let them down then they'd just have wasted all that time and effort and resources on him and-

In the midst of his spiralling thoughts, One for All activated once again, causing for him to shoot forwards at high speeds.

He barely managed to stop himself at the mine field, loosing his balance and almost falling right onto one of the mines and oh god they were mines!!!

He took a shaky step backwards, feeling his breath catch in his throat. No, no not explosions anything but explosions please, not explosions, explosions were pain and pain was bad bad bad bad-

Kirishima seemed to notice his panic, as instead of stepping onto the mine-field, he walked over to Midoriya. "Hey, Midoribro? You alright? Actually, no, bad question. You definetly aren't alright."

Izuku rubbed at his eyes, wiping away the tears. "G-go.... Y-you need t-t-to g-g-get past th-the minefield, d-don't w-waste y-your time on m-me..."

Kirishima shook his head, "No way am I just gonna leave you here like this. We've got two more Sports Festivals, I don't mind losing this one. Hey, d'you want me to help you get through the minefield?"

Izuku hesitated. He did want that, really did, but he couldn't hold Kirishima back like that! What was really only a few seconds felt like hours on deciding what too say, before eventually, he gave a small nod.

And Kirishima did help him through. He kept an arm wrapped around Izuku's shaking body, told him when he saw a mine that Izuku didn't quite notice, let Izuku cling onto him tightly when he got a bit too scared. Most of the other competiters seemed confused by this, but hey, they were allowed to do whatever they wanted as long as they stayed within bounds, so Kirishima could help Izuku through the minefield if he wanted to.

As they were crossing the minefield, a rather loud explosion ressonated from behind them, causing for Izuku to bolt away from it in fear, One for All activating once again. Wow, he didn't have very good control over it still, huh.

In his speed, he managed to run across multiple mines without them detonating underneath him.

Before he realized what was happening, he crossed the finish line, Present Mic calling out, "Midoriya Izuku wins the obstacle course!!!"

Holy shit....

He fainted, both from shock, and the stress from using One for All as much as he had been.


Am I proud of this chapter? Absolutely I am. Is it actually any good? Not sure.

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