Chapter 10

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They spent the ride in silence except during a few times when Jiyeon had to give him instructions on when to turn left or right- not that he needed it because Taemin knows exactly where she lives and how to get there.

Taemin kept quiet because he was worried he might say something inappropriate. And Jiyeon kept quiet because she just didn't know what to say to someone who obviously doesn't want to have anything to do with her.

"Would you like some tea?" she asked when they reached her apartment and it was time to say goodbye. She was hoping he would say yes and decide to stay a little longer.

However, Taemin already had so little restraint left in him. It's like walking on a very thin piece of thread and waiting for it to snap. He knew he can't stay any longer. "I'm sorry, I can't stay."

Although she expected it, she still couldn't help feeling disappointed. "I see. T-thanks for taking me home."

Damn that look. He had seen it many times before and it never fails to make him feel guilty for denying her something so simple. He'd seen it during their anniversary when he couldn't spend the entire day with her because he had schedules. He only stayed for an hour, long enough to inform her he can't stay long. He'd seen it during her birthday and he was late because he had to travel from Incheon to Seoul and buy her a present before meeting her. That day he realized how stupid he really was. Jiyeon never wanted a present. He could have just run to her side and gave her a kiss. That would have been enough. And Jiyeon made sure he learned his lesson by giving him that look of disappointment which he hated the most.

And Jiyeon was giving him the same look of disappointment right at that moment. "I guess I can stay for a while." He said and he noticed how her eyes brightened up. Thankfully she didn't ask why he suddenly decided to stay.

Taemin made himself comfortable on her living room. He sat on the couch, loving the feel of the soft fabric on his back and remembering the times they would cuddle at the same place and shared kisses he could no longer count.

"Do you prefer tea or would you like coffee?" she called out from the kitchen.

"Soju would be nice," he replied knowing he needed some alcohol to calm his nerves. Jiyeon appeared moments later carrying some bottles of Soju. She gave one to Taemin before sitting opposite to him.

"I hate this day," she said trying to open a conversation.

He knew of course. It was one of the reasons why he accepted her offer to stay. She needed company and he decided to give it to her. Jiyeon seemed to be expecting the question so he asked anyway. "Why?"

"Today is my mom's death anniversary," she explained.

He didn't say anything. No words seemed to be needed and he didn't want to hurt her feelings by saying something inappropriate. Besides he could tell she only needed company and that being with her is enough.

"I was actually happy that I get to spend the day with you guys. Thanks for inviting me."

"I'll tell Key you said thanks," he said because after all it was Key who invited her over although it was only probably to piss him off. She nodded before taking another drink. An awkward silence followed with both of them running out of things to say.

It was moments later when Taemin realized making her drink is not a very good idea. He knew he would be in a really deep trouble when he accepted her offer. Being alone in the same room with Jiyeon... that he can handle. But a half-drunk Jiyeon, sitting across from him, talking nonsense and being adorable with her flushed cheeks and lazy smile... that he couldn't handle. She was drunk after finishing 3 bottles of Soju and the fact that they were alone doesn't help.

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