Chapter 12

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A/N: I was so in the mood that I actually managed to write a oneshot (stranger and a cup of caramel macchiato. go check it out :D) and then finish this chapter sooner than I thought.

I had fun writing this chap (well, I'm always having fun wirting) so I hope you'll have fun reading it too. :D Please let me know what you think. please please please? *pupy eyes*

Oh, and don't expect a smut because I really can't write those things. The closest I could come up with is kissing.  Sorry *apologetic* 

Expect angst, fluff and an adorable Minho :D Ooops maybe I shouldn't have said that :p


The last time someone confessed to her, the poor guy was stuttering so much she couldn't understand what he was trying to say. When the guy was telling her "I love you" (those were the only words she can make out of his stuttering) she simply replied with a "why?" The guy couldn't say anything because how could he when he didn't even know why. When you love someone you just know you do without knowing the reason.

Of course she turned the man down because although she was still young she knew she had to feel something for someone before she accepts the feelings he was willing to offer. She tried to do it in the nicest way possible because she didn't want to hurt the guy's feelings. Nevertheless, the guy must have been hurt pretty badly because he went home crying.

Back then she still couldn't understand why people cry because of that thing called love. But now after having experienced the same thing, she finally understood.

"I think I love you," she decided to tell him after weeks filled with sleepless nights. Her feelings were overflowing that it feels as if she would go crazy if she didn't tell.

She hoped Taemin couldn't hear the frantic beating of her heart although it's very unlikely with them being too close to each other. She was still in his arms and Jiyeon wanted to stay that way forever. She will never get tired of the wonderful feeling from being wrapped in his arms like fragile porcelain which might break if he ever lets go.

She felt him stiffen a bit and an awkward silence ensued. Jiyeon almost forgotten how to breathe and she felt her heart almost stopped from anticipation. After a whole freaking minute he said, "Don't."

It was just a simple word but enough to break her heart. She straightened up and moved a little further from him. "What do you mean?" she asked although she knows pretty well what he meant. She's not allowed to love him. It's as clear as that.

"Don't fall in love with me."

Too late. She already did. He should never have saved her that day at the park, he shouldn't have took her home and shared drinks with her that night when she was feeling like crap, he shouldn't have shown concern when her head was torturing her and he shouldn't have saved her that day when she almost got hit by a car. If he didn't want her to fall in love with him he should have stopped being himself a long time ago.

"How am I supposed to do that?" she asked sounding more desperate than she intended. Taemin was asking the impossible. How could he make her fall in love with him then leave her frustrated afterwards?

"I don't know. Just try."

Jiyeon gave him a sad smile. "You know, if you're going to turn me down, just tell me you don't feel the same way about me. I'm not forcing you to like me back. I just... wanted you to know I guess." She was avoiding his gaze while fumbling with the hem of her shirt, a habit she does when she's anxious. She was trying to think of ways on how she could make this confession less painful. Maybe she could at least save whatever pride she has left.

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