Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry, this took me a really long time. I wanted to make this longer so it took a while. Anyway, here it is...


Taemin thought Key was up to no good when he realized he was acting weird for the past week.

It all started when he noticed Key always going out during their rest days. Key doesn't like to go out saying he needed his beauty rest and all but lately Taemin could barely see his pink-haired hyung around the dorm. He's always out doing god-knows-what and leaving the rest of SHINee tending to themselves because let's face it, Key does almost everything in the house and without him life sucks. And Taemin was forced to cook simply because he was too nice to let his hyungs starve to death.

And then there were also the time when Key arrived home with a box of chocolate cake. He doesn't really like eating too much cake. He says it's too hard to lose weight and exercising makes him disgustingly sweaty.

"Is it anyone's birthday?" Taemin asked because Minho and Onew's birthday will be 3 weeks from now and Christmas is still a month away.

"No. I just feel like eating cake right now. Wanna have some?"

Taemin grabbed the fork from Key's hand and took a bite. Then he realized it really is delicious. "Where did you get this?"

"Jiyeon made it. You remember the girl at the cafe right?" Key said which made Taemin stop for a second. Then he continued to munch on the cake just because he missed the taste of it.

It reminded him of the time when Jiyeon baked him a chocolate cake on his birthday. It was so delicious with Chocolate Bavarian Cream filling and because Jiyeon knew he likes playing piano she decided to put a piano design on top made with buttercream flavored icing. But then the cake was ruined when his stupid hyungs smashed his face on top of the cake while muttering something about 'traditions' and 'birthday cakes should be eaten that way'. Jiyeon was laughing so hard at his silly face full of black and white icing and for Taemin it was music to his ears.

He was halfway to finishing his slice when he suddenly found himself crying. After finishing everything, he drank some water, left and locked himself in his room leaving the rest of the SHINee members wondering why the maknae who never cries (not even during the first time they won an award) cried over a cake.

They looked at Key and at the box of cake on the table. "Is it that good?" Jinki voiced out what the rest of them were thinking.

Key didn't say anything and just offered him a slice as if saying, 'Try it to find out'.


Taemin was so convinced his hyung is really up to no good when he suddenly woke up one morning from too much noise in the kitchen. He was pissed off because he hadn't been sleeping a lot lately and being forced to wake up so early makes him feel like cursing somebody. No one ever ruins his sleep and gets away with it so easily.

When he went downstairs to check who the culprit is, he saw Key setting up the new oven and other things for baking which he obviously bought recently because Taemin hadn't seen those things yesterday.

"Oh, hi. Good morning," Key greeted him as if there really is something good in the morning, completely forgetting the fact that he just ruined the maknae's precious sleep.

"I can't find any good in the morning when you're making all these noises. I need sleep, hyung."

"Don't be grumpy and help me," Key said completely ignoring the anger in the younger boy's eyes.

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