Chapter 6

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It had been months since they've been spending time with each other. Everytime Taemin has the time, he would call her and they would meet somewhere and spend time together. 

Once in a while he would steal glances at her and once in a while she would catch him staring at her. Then she would blush, her cheeks turning rosy pink and Taemin just loved everything about her.

And then he confessed because he was no longer satisfied with just being friends. He like the idea of calling her his and him hers.

And so he bought a couple ring, one that fits his finger and another one that perfectly fits hers. Then he went through the speech in his head. He wanted it to be perfect.

'I love you' doesn't seem like enough and he couldn't just blurt it out.

'Can I have you for the rest of my life?' doesn't seem appropriate either. He's not proposing a marriage for godsake. 

In the end he couldn't come up with anything. He was too nervous to think of anything to say, more nervous than when he had to stand on stage for the first time. That confession means so much to him.

He was tongue-tied as expected. You know that moment when your mind just go blank and couldn't think of anything to say?

Without a word, he took her hand in his and slipped the ring through her finger. She gave him a look of total confusion, the what-the-heck-are-you-doing kind of look.

"Please don't make me say it," he said because he was nervous and embarrassed and freaking out. Because she makes him feel things he's not used to feeling.

"Say what?" she asked still confused.

"Those cheesy lines guys usually say to the girls they like." If Minho hears him say it he would probably laugh real hard and Key would probably roll off the floor in fits of laughter.

"I love you. Will you be my girl?" she didn't say anything for a whole minute, the longest minute in Taemin's life. He was considering saying the words again thinking that maybe she didn't get it the first time, when suddenly, she spoke.

"I-I think I love you too." Her cheeks turned rosy pink and Taemin had the urge to kiss it but her lips are way more inviting.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said before crossing the distance between the two of them. The moment he touched her lips with his own, Taemin realized a lot of things. 1.) Her lips are much softer than he imagined. 2.) She taste like honey, the sweetness makes him crave for more. 3.) He's addicted. 

He had to force himself to let go of her so he could ask her to put the other ring on his finger. When she was done they both stared at their hands and Taemin realized he just had the best day of his life.


Jiyeon is not the type of girl who easily falls head over heels over some cute guy at school. How do people fall in love in the first place? Jiyeon had no idea. She doesn't believe in love at first sight. She believes that a person can't possibly like someone he/she barely even knows.

The last time she liked someone was- well never. When she was in high school she didn't understand why her classmates waste their precious time sneaking up on the senior's classroom just to see their crushes doodle something on their notes, got hit by an eraser for not listening to the teacher, or to just watch them do something as stupid as yawning. Yes, yawn. Jiyeon didn't understand how is it that for some reason, just the mere sight of their crushes yawning makes them giggle like crazy, saying how they look cute and such.

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