Chapter 26

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A/N: This is the 2nd to the last chapter (I think) :D

Being a reaper, Yoogeun was able to meet different kinds of people. Some of them Yoogeun couldn't care less whether they live or die because he thinks the world would be a better place without them in it. But sometimes there are people too who, Yoogeun thinks, deserve to live longer than they were supposed to and for Yoogeun it's painful every time he had to take their souls.

And today is no different.

He watched as everything unfolds. He couldn't do anything because it was against the rules. He never knew he would feel anything for that stupid guy dying in the middle of the street. But he did. Maybe it was because he spent a considerable amount of time talking to the guy before the accident.

Yoogeun knew of course. He knew exactly when and how he will die. But knowing doesn't make things easier. He had this sudden urge to help the guy and not let him die. But of course that was against the rules. Because reapers are supposed to take people's souls, not help them live (not that Yoogeun is a follower of rules because he already broken a few. But even so this isn't something he can mess with). So Yoogeun only watched and it breaks his heart to see the guy slowly dying as the love of his life watches on the side.

One wish - he only have one wish and the guy was too crazy to waste his one wish on something so stupid.

He could have wished for a lot of things. Maybe for the world to remember his name decades after his death, or for SHINee to win more awards in the future (or even world peace Yoogeun didn't really mind) but no- the guy had to wish for that.

We both know this is the best option I have, he insisted. I knew you wanted me to do something when you took me back. You wanted me to change things didn't you?

He was halfway between living and dying. His body is breathing but his soul was drifting somewhere near it. He could only watch as his girlfriend clutch his bloodstained shirt and wept near his body while a few onlookers surround them. Yoogeun was standing next to him, both of them unseen by humans' eyes.

Yes, but not to this extent. I only wanted you to make her happy and not be an asshole that you were once used to be.

Do you think she's happier now? Taemin asked.

Yes, I think she is. I mean not right now because you're dying and all but I think she is. She will be. Yoogeun replied.

It made Taemin smile. He wasn't a failure after all. It's not about being happy because he was far from it. But then again it's not about his happiness but hers.

You know what sucks? he asked.


That people dies at different points in time. Some has to leave others behind. It's lonely, you know.

Yoogeun have no idea what he meant. He had never seen the world as how humans see it. He had always been wondering how it feels like being mortal, having friends, and falling in love. Despite living for so many years he never stopped wondering why living is so important and why dying is so scary.

But Yoogeun thinks that maybe he's already starting to understand a little bit because he could feel his tears well up from his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time he shed tears. It was foreign and weird and the guy seemed to agree with him because he could swear he saw his eyes widen at the sight of his crying face.

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