Chapter 14

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Jiyeon woke up the next morning wondering if all the events which happened last night were real. She was staring at the ceiling looking nothing in particular and she just lay there for about an hour before she forced her way to the bathroom where she spent the next 30 minutes staring at her reflection in the mirror and then another whole hour under the shower. She only finished bathing when she realized she was cold. Somehow, she managed to slip into something comfortable to wear. Then she sat on the bed while trying her best to put some sense into the fact that Taemin just became her boyfriend.

Taemin is now her boyfriend.

The words just wouldn't sink in even after hours of contemplating and pondering. It wasn't a dream right? She asked herself the same question over and over again. She was still mulling over the thought when she received a call from Yuri.

"Jiyeon-ah! Are you alright? You're not sick are you?"

"W-what? No..."

"Then why aren't you here yet?"

It was then that she realized she was already late for work. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'll go over there now."

"Are you sure you're not sick?" She has never been late to work so she couldn't blame Yuri for being worried.

"No. I'm fine... I'll be there in an hour. No, half an hour." She decided to take a cab because it will be faster. She packed her things in a hurry without taking her phone away from her ear.

"Oh yeah, right. What happened last night? How did it go?" Yuri asked.

"I don't know..."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Did you meet Taemin? What did he say?"

"He said..." She paused what she was doing and dreamily plopped back on the bed, the same exact position before Yuri gave her a call. "He said that we should give it a try." Oh my god. He really said that, didn't he? Finally the words are starting to sink in.

"Yuri... I think I just got myself a boyfriend."

Jiyeon has just managed to move the phone a good distance away from her ear when Yuri suddenly let out an ear-piercing scream.


Meanwhile Minho is having one of the worst days of his life. The burning sensation in his mouth hadn't left since Taemin poured the whole content of the hot sauce in his glass of carrot juice. He didn't see him do it but he was pretty sure it was Taemin because he had been playing tricks on him since he woke up that morning.

He finds Taemin's silly tricks quite amusing at first. From ignoring him when he was saying something to taking his coffee which he just finished making. Minho knew exactly why Taemin was playing childish tricks on him.

"I didn't kiss her if that's what drives you to mess my life". He stared at his empty cup of coffee wondering how it tasted like. He wasn't able to take even a single sip because Taemin finished everything before returning the empty cup to him.

"I already figured that out." That was his first words to him since that morning. Apparently he decided to start an ignore-minho-at-all-cost campaign. He was a little worried it would last for a whole day so he was feeling accomplished that he finally managed to make Taemin speak to him even if it was only a few words.

"Then why do you piss me off like what you did just now?" He was referring to the glass of carrot juice filled with hot sauce. That was the worst trick Taemin did so far and Minho was a little scared of what could happen next.

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