Chapter 17

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Jiyeon watched as Taemin shifted on his seat struggling to get comfortable. She could tell it was not because the seat was not big enough for him or that there was no room for him to move around. She could tell it was because he was nervous. Why, she had no idea.

"Are you ok?" she asked him. He was again in disguise and it was such a shame that his face was covered with glasses. She would love to see how he looked beneath it. But it was necessary because they are currently on a public train and it would be a disaster if he gets recognized.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine."

He didn't look fine and Jiyeon was worried but the moment she realized what the problem is, the worried tone turned into a teasing one. "Are you scared to meet my dad?"

"N-no. I'm just worried..."

'You're worried because...?"

"Because he's your dad. I want to make a good first impression."

"I'm sure you will."

He wasn't so sure about that. Boyfriends and fathers don't usually get along well. And the last time he saw her dad, the man had been throwing him punches and calling him names. Jiyeon doesn't know any of that of course because technically it would still be his first time meeting her dad.

He wasn't scared of the man. It's just that he couldn't look him in the eyes without feeling guilty. He took away something precious from him which he couldn't even take proper care of. And he was about to do it again for the second time.

Jiyeon moved to his side and while giving him a shy smile, took his hand with hers. Taemin knows how much she loves holding hands. Whenever he lets go she would always give him that adorable pout which never goes away until he again entwines his fingers with hers.

They've been on the train for almost 2 hours but it's still a long way to go. Taemin didn't mind as long as he could hold her hand for the rest of the ride and he could smell the sweet fragrance of her hair as she rests her head on his shoulders.



"I'm not leaving so don't worry, alright?" she said and Taemin realized she was trying to assure him that she's not going anywhere. There was no need for it because Taemin knew her decision even before she received that phone call from her dad the other night telling her that he and his wife were leaving the country. He wanted Jiyeon to come but without second thoughts Jiyeon said no. He didn't have a single doubt on what her decision would be. She chose him over her father before so of course she would choose him again now. Taemin wasn't so sure if that is a good thing or not. Maybe she's better off to be somewhere else instead of staying with him and then gets heartbroken in the end.

"I know." Taemin replied before giving her shoulder a light squeeze.


Jiyeon's father turned out exactly like the man he expected he would be. He knew it would be hard pleasing the man the moment they stepped inside his home and he was given a scrutinizing look from head to toe. He bowed low in greeting and Taemin hoped the man would appreciate his efforts and act of respect and hopefully stop his intimidating gaze.

On the other hand, Jiyeon's father's wife is a nice and accommodating woman. But Taemin couldn't blame Jiyeon for not liking her. It was still probably painful for her to think that her father already found a replacement for his dead wife. On some of their conversations, Jiyeon always regards the woman as "my dad's wife" and never once did she mention her as "my mom".

"What do you do for a living?" Jiyeon's father asked over lunch.

"I'm in entertainment business, sir." Taemin replied. By this time he already gained most of his confidence back and he can now look the man in the eyes without feeling intimidated.

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