Chapter 1

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Tory's Pov
I stared dumbfounded at my reflection. My usual green eyes, that used to be replaced by gold, were now filled with a pale blue fire.
But how? It wasn't possible. We had all drunk the cure that killed our flares. Yet here I was now. Flaring. Suddenly Buzz Cut's words came back to me.
Can you keep a secret, Tory Brennan?

Blue eyes... The blue liquid given to me right after those words were spoken. Our flares. They had given us back our flares. I had to tell the others. Right now. After throwing on my Bolton Prep uniform, I ran downstairs grabbed a hot muffin that Whitney had just baked and flew out the door, mumbling something about a before school study group to an alarmed Kit.

Unable to text fast enough while holding a muffin in my hand, I shoved the muffin in my mouth and texted Ben, Shelton and Hi.
Get down to the docks. NOW!
Seconds later I got a responses. The conversation went something like this.
Shelton- way to early man.
Hi- dude ever heard of sleep? It's something that the rest of us normal folks require.
Ben- quit being slackers and get up. And Hi. You do not qualify as normal.
Me- it's important.
Hi- what could be so important to wake me up this early?!? And haha Ben. For your info, neither do you.
Me- come outside and find out! Besides you should be up by now. Your going to be late for school.
Shelton- fine. Here I come.
Ben- you coming Hi or do I need to drag you out?
Hi- I'm coming I'm coming. Vagrants.

Three doors opened ten minutes later. Hi, Shelton and Ben all gathered around me.
"What the big deal?" Hi demanded yawning.
"Notice anything different?" I asked.
Shelton blinked slowly. "Your eyes are blue."
"Yep." I waited for the outburst about to come. I got an outburst all right. Just not the one I was expecting.
"You called us out here to look at your colored contacts? What kind of sick joke is this?" Hi yelled.
"Not cool dude!" Shelton added.

My heart sank. Of course they didn't know I was flaring. How could they? They still thought that the flare was killed by the antidote. Sighing, I opened my mouth to tell them the truth when-
"You're flaring." Ben.

Turning I looked at him. He was studying me meticulously. Gave him an almost imperceptible nod. With a deep sigh, he shut his eyes. I tensed myself for the barrage of questions that were about to come. Instead, all the tension in Ben's shoulder leaked away and he opened his eyes with a wicked grin.

His eyes were filled with a pale blue fire.

Behind us came a soft exhale of breath. Turning, I saw Shelton take off his glasses and rub his eyes. His blue eyes. Beside him Hi was grinning like the Joker, blue eyes sparkling. He opened his mouth, about to shout with joy. I shushed him and motion for them to follow me.

After walking until we were out of sight and earshot, we made a small circle.
Stayed quiet for a minute.
All of us shocked by the ability to flare.

Breaking the silence, I said,"Our flares. They came back."

That was all it took. Hi let out a huge whoop and hi-fived Shelton who shouted with glee. Ben scooped me into his arms as I wrapped mine around his neck. Laughing I managed to choke out,"They came back to us! Our flares returned to us!"
Shelton stopped dead. "Not quite."
"What do you mean not quite? Are you trying to kill the good mood?" Hi exclaimed.
"He's right," I said softly, sliding out of Ben's embrace. "Our eyes glow blue not golden."
"So?" Ben demanded.
"So the Trinity's powers were stronger than ours. Their eyes glowed red," I said my mind working. I closed my eyes, and focused on my flare. Only
part of it was activated. I unleashed the rest.
I felt the power flow through me, enter my veins, increase my power. It was like the previous flare. But different. All ice. No fire. I shivered. For some reason the word Frostbite sprang into my head, along with an image. A silver wolf with wild eyes. She was young, Coop's age. Outlined by blue from the pulsing star on the collar around her neck. The same blue as the liquid that had been injected into me.
Into us.

Suddenly, fire raced through me. Against my will, I gasped in pain. A word was about to enter my mind, along with an image when something broke my concentration.

My eyes snapped open. Ben stood in front of me. Alarmed he took a step back.
"What?" I asked
"Your eyes," he breathed. He was studying me. "They're more... Vibrant than before."

I felt more vibrant than before. I curled and uncurled my fingers feeling strength pulse through me. I flashed a smile at my packmates and said,"Let's see what this flare can do."
With that, I took off running.

I was faster than ever. I could easily run miles and not tire. Energy flowed through me as the wolf ran unbidden by anything. This flare was stronger, wilder than the first. And it was better. Still running, I flipped forward, twisting myself in mid air to land facing back the way I came. Without losing a beat I went charging back the way I came.
Saw the boys.
Judges the distance.
Skidded smoothly to a stop.
Said,"This. Is. Awesome."

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