Chapter 15

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(A/N: this may be short.)
Tory's Pov

I jolted upwards with a start. Wildly I glanced around unsure of where I was. Then it all came crashing back. The prison break. The run into the forest. The sudden dying flare. Ben-

No. I thought. He'll be fine. Don't think about it. Ben will be fine.

I looked around. Weak sunlight slowly filtered through the trees, illuminating the clearing green. Footsteps caused me to tense, but I relaxed slightly when I saw that it was only Chance. He looked over at me and nodded. "You're awake. There's a stream just through the trees."

I nodded my thanks and stumbled over to the creek. After washing my face, and relieving myself, I walked back to the clearing. Chance was sitting on the floor. I say across from him, leaning against a tree.

"So," I said.
"So?" He asked.
"Any idea where we are?"
"In the woods outside of a government containment facility."
"Gee thanks for the specifics Captain Obvious. Anything else you want to state?"
He stretched. "Tory if I knew where we were do you think we would still be sitting here?"
I shrugged, muttering, "I mean you're pretty unpredictable."
He snorted. "Look who's talking."
I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed. Rolling my eyes I flashed him a grin.
"Alright but really, let's move," I said.
"We should walk along the stream," he began. "That way we'll have a source of water close by."

As we walked, I tried to get my flare at activate. It wouldn't activate. I thought about asking Chance, but held off on the idea. Soon enough it was mid day and I was starving. My stomach let off a huge growl causing Chance to give me an amused look.

"Oh come off it," I growled. "And don't mock me."
"Tory I would never dream of doing that."
"You're doing it now!"
"Am I?"
"Are you sure?"
"Chance are you trying to get me to hit you on the head with a rock and leave you in the woods?"
He snorted. "One, we both know that you would never be able to knock me out-"
"Objection," I muttered.
"- two, if you're so hungry than go catch a fish. Otherwise, eat some berries and hope you live."

Shaking my head, I looked around and spotted a blackberry bush. By the time we had stopped for the night, I was thoroughly sick of blackberries.

"Doesn't this forest have anything OTHER than blackberries?" I grumbled.
"It has trees," Chance offered. I gave him a dark look.

We had stopped in a tiny clearing by the stream. I curled against the trunk of a tree. Chance stretched out on the ground beside me. Almost instantly I fell asleep.

I woke up screaming.

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