Chapter 10

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(A/N: sorry this is going to be a short chapter but I promise that I'll try to update tomorrow!)
Tory's Pov
We had reached the government's new place. Looking through the tiny window at the top corner of the van, I saw the sky then darkness as I felt the car move downwards. We were going underground. I was still in depression as the agents unloaded us from the van. I only sunk deeper seeing what was around me.

Pristine white floors reflected harsh white light onto white brick walls. As we were escorted down the hallway I saw large white doors with all sorts of locks on them. There were no windows except for two- one that looked into a huge room filled with small HD screens, and another that showed a science lab where people were testing different substances and doing... sciencey stuff.

No one spoke. Finally we reached a large circular room with 10 doors. A sour taste filled my mouth. Ten doors. Enough for every Viral including the three mystery ones. Suddenly I was blindfolded. I heard shouts coming from the others along with an order to obey what they were told. After a long time and four largely spaced out door slams later, I was unblindfolded. I was the only one left along with all of the troops of course.

Behind me howls, barks, and snarls broke out. I whipped around to see three wolves being manhandled. I was about to ask what they were doing to the wolves, but Buzz Cut and Mustache grabbed my arms and began to drag me towards the farthest door. What happened next, happened in a blur.

I saw one of the soldiers grab a walkie-talkie and request back-up. Two people in protective gear came with those long sticks that had loops on the end for grabbing feral dogs. They managed to snag the two smaller wolves but the third lunged and sank her teeth into one of the necks of the scientists. He fell to the ground and lay still.

Snapping and snarling, the wolves made a small ring and attacked anyone who came close. Suddenly, Buzz Cut let go of my arm and moved forward. He pulled out his gun. I began to scream and thrash against Mustache. My vision turned red as I felt my flare snap on. Elbowing my captor in the gut, I lunged forward aiming to pull the gun out of Buzz Cut's hand. Before I could, one of the other soldiers whirled around and backhanded me across the face. It sent me sprawling. I heard a howl of pain that was cut short, followed by whimpers.

I looked up and saw the alpha female wolf laying on the floor. She was unconscious and breathing but there was a lump on her head. I exhaled. She had only been knocked out not killed. As I was dragged into my cell, I wondered why I had been so inclined to protecting the wolves. It had felt like I had some sort of . . . Connection with them. Especially the leader.

Well, I thought, at least I'll have plenty of time to contemplate this. After all, I'm not going anywhere soon.

I stared through the doorway as in seemingly slow motion, the door slammed shut. The dead blot clicked. There was a beep as the electronic lock activated.

That was the sound of my freedom dying, forever.

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