Chapter 19

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Tory's Pov

I blinked myself awake and took a moment to remember what had happened. Ella, Chance, the clearing, Ben...
Alarmed, I jerked my head up and saw Ben in the same spot, fast asleep. I have a sigh of relief. It wasn't a dream. He's okay. And he's here. I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. He mumbled something in his sleep and tried to turn on to his right side. Quickly, I pushed his left shoulder down to keep him from hurting his leg further. He mumbled some more but stayed put.

There was a rustle behind me and Hi's head popped through the bushes. "Hey Tory, you're awake!"
I nodded.
"Ella wants to talk with you," he said.
"But..." I glanced down at Ben.
Hi's gaze softened. "Don't worry about it. I'll watch him."
I nodded and slid out of the little area to go fine Ella.

I stopped short when I saw the rest of the clearing. There were small piles of different supplies, each covered by a sturdy branch and leaf tarp. All around the clearing, tree branches lifted up bush branches to make entrances into more small areas like the one Ben was in. Peeking into one, I saw a leaf bed and Chance's back rising and falling slowly as he slept. I glanced around and saw Ella at the river bed.

"Did you guys do all this?" I asked.
"Yep. We just finished a little while ago," she said.
"Dang. You guys work well together," I said, looking at the camp again. Shelton was piling sticks from underneath one of the tarps in the center of the clearing.
Ella laughed. "I wish. It took us so long to do all this."
I frowned. "How long was I out?"
She shrugged. "Day? Day and a half maybe? A long time."
I stared at her. "Why didn't you wake me? I could have helped!"
"Tory," she said her voice soothing. "You've been through a lot these past few weeks and even more the past few days. You needed the sleep. Besides, we know better than to try to take you away from Ben while Chance is still awake."
I grunted agreement. "So what can I do?"
She nodded towards Shelton. "Help him build a fire pit."

I began to gather rocks from the river bank to line the fire pit while Shelton neatly stacked the branches in the center. Soon we were finished.
"Thanks Tory," he said, rubbing his face.
I squeezed his shoulder. "Go rest. You deserve it." He nodded and trudged off to one of the mini rooms. I walked past Ben's area and heard laughter, so I ducked inside. Ella followed me.

Inside, Hi was rolling on the floor having laugh attack. Ben of course, lay in the same spot, but he had a hand over his face and he was cursing under his breath.
"Um, what happened?" Ella asked.
"Laughter spaz over there scared the shit out of me," Ben said. "I woke up and found him sitting right next to my head watching me."
I snorted. "I'm glad to see you're awake."

He caught me around the waist and tugged me down beside him. I wiggled around, but he had me pulled into a tight hug, so I gave up and lay beside him instead. He chuckled and kissed my neck. "I'm glad to see you're happy."

Ella laughed. "Alright lovebirds, break it up. Sorry Ben, but I need to borrow Tory to talk with her."
I slipped out of his grip, kissed his cheek, and followed Ella out of the bushes down to the river.

"What's up?" I asked.
"I'm going to hate doing this, but we need to set Ben's leg, otherwise it won't heal properly," she sighed, her tone serious.
I could feel myself sickening. "And to do that we have to what exactly?"
"Re-break his leg then put it in position," she explained.
I suddenly saw where she was going. I hated the idea. "Ella, are you out of your mind?" I hissed. "You really want to let Chance re-break Ben's leg so we can set it?"
"We have no choice! He's the only one who's strong enough to do it!"
"Out of the question!"
"I don't see why you're so reluctant to let Chan-"
"Hold on, you mean Chance didn't tell you why I was mad at him?"

She shook her head. So I recounted the story up until when she found us. She looked at me horrified. "I'm sorry Tor, if I had known I never would have suggested it."
"It's fine. But you're right about needing to fix Ben's leg. And unfortunately," I closed my eyes. "This is the only way to do it. Just make sure to keep Chance in control please!"
She nodded. "First let me look at Ben's leg. If I can get Chance to hit the right spot, then one tap is all it'll take."

We slipped back in and found that Ben had fallen back asleep. Ella told Hi to go rest and began looking at Ben's leg. She growled. "I can't see through his pant leg." She glanced up. "Is there a sharp drop rock near by that we can use to cut the jean leg?"
"I'll look," I told her.

Soon I returned with a sharp rock that she carefully used to cut away the pant leg, just below the knee. A quick inspection gave Ells the info she needed.
"I can't see much because I don't have x-Ray vision, but I can clearly see the main break. If there's a smaller one then we'll have to wait and hope that it doesn't get worse. When do you think the best time to do this would be?" She asked as she stood up and dusted off her pants.
I sighed. "May as well get over with it now."

Ella nodded and went out to get the others. I leaned over and placed my hand on Ben's cheek. What are we going to do?

Once and for all- a Virals fanfic [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora