Chapter 7

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Tory's Pov
I gasped in pain as my flare activated. The fire and ice feeling ran through me, and I felt like they were fighting each other and I was their battle ground. When the feeling finally faded, I stood up I growled in anger. This flare was cool and all, but it was beginning to drive me insane. It kept crashing in on me at random times. It had activated at a stand off with the Tripod, math class and soccer practice.

Sighing, I tried to control my emotions. We were sitting on Dead Cat beach, discussing what to do about Chance. We guessed that the government was in on Chance's disappearance. I looked up and saw the rest of the group staring at me.

"So what are we going to do?" Ella asked.
"I have absolutely no idea," I answered.
"Well we have to do something!" She snapped back.
"Look, I know that you and Chance are a thing and all-," Hi started.
"We are NOT a thing Hiram!" Ella's cheeks flamed red as she cut Hi off. "We're just friends."

Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I caught a whiff of something foul. Deceit. Lying. I snorted. "Ya right."
Ella's head jerked towards me. Her eyes flamed blue. "Who's side are you on Victoria?"
I held my hands up. "Calm down. I'm just kidding."

She crossed her arms and grumbled something in French. She had been learning a third language so she could make fun of us without us knowing what she was saying. Apparently it was working.

"So we know that the government is in a new location and that their old place is cleared out," Shelton said.
"Maybe I can try tracing him through the flare," I said carefully.
"You can do that?!?" Ella demanded.
I nodded.
"Then why haven't you done it yet?" She practically growled at me.

"And why haven't you tried to find Coop either?" Ben asked.
"Because it only works when the person I'm tracking is flaring," I responded.
"And Cooper doesn't flare nitwit," Hi added.
"Shelton?" Ben asked.
"On it." He smacked Hi. "I see why you do this so much. It's fun."
"Shut up or I'll smack all of you!" I snapped.
"Someone's in a bad mood," Hi mumbled.
I kicked him.

Taking a deep breath I focused on my inner flare. Glowing in front of my were the 7 strands. Ella's was glowing. So was one of the mysterious strands. Before I could think about what I was doing, I tapped into the strand. As soon as I was in it was like I was teleported to another place.

I was staring at an oceanfront. My two packmates were behind me. My host was worried. About what, I never found out. Unfortunately the person who's flare I was in felt me. They slammed down their defenses, but instead of being evicted, the walls closed around me. This person was clearly experienced with their flare.

Indeed I am. My head was filled with a melodic female voice.
Who are you? I asked.
That's for me to know, and for you to find out. Or to at least try to find out.
She laughed as she threw me from her mind.

Stupid person. Stupid advanced mental flare powers. Stupid Chance. He just had to get himself kidnapped. Not like we had enough problems already! NO!
It occurred to me that I was screaming at myself in my mind. Exasperated I looked again and saw that Chance's tendril was still inactive. I knew that I couldn't wait. I had business to do. And by business, I meant puking in the middle of our circle.

Coming back, I was surprised to find that I wasn't nauseated. I shook my head after looking at Ella's hopeful face. I rocked back onto my heels. Realization struck me.

"Now that I think about it, I don't think that we'll be tracking Chance. If he's in the hands of the government then he won't be flaring. He'd be trying to cover the fact that we have our flares back," I explained.

"God damn it! So now we need to track down a person and a darn wolfdog," Ben snarled.
"Yep," Hi said.

I chose to keep quiet about my experience with my little friend.

On the way back home, my phone buzzed. It was.... Ashley? What did she want? Picking it up, I answered having nothing better to do.
"Ashley? What's up?"

"Don't try to act casual with me. I know what you and your friends are up to. I'm telling you now- it won't work. You're doomed already. Just give up."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

The line went dead.

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