Chapter 23

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Tory's Pov

I heaved another sigh from my position beside Ben. I was still trying to convince him to let me do the plan. He really wasn't happy about it. I tried again. "Ben please, you have to trust me. I can do this."
He crossed his arms. "You're not going."
I folded my arms back. "I'm going."

Grumbling, he unfolded his arms and re-folded them around my waist. He buried his head in the crook of my neck. My heart melted. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I curled myself against his chest. "Please don't go," he murmured into my skin.
"Ben I have too."
"At least take someone with you."
"I don't want to put anyone in any possible danger."
"But you'll put yourself in danger?"
"I'll play it safe, I promise."
"Isn't that what you said before you got kidnapped?"
I huffed. "That's beside the point."
He chest vibrated as he chuckled. "Is it really?"

He lifted his head and placed his forehead on mine. He gave an exhale before planting a long slow kiss on my lips. "Fine. You can go. But you better get back safe."
"Don't I always?" I joked.
"If you do, what's your definition of safe?"
"Not dying?"
"Are you asking me or telling me?"
"I'm telling you that you're being an overprotective boyfriend."
He kissed me again. "Can you blame me, Tor?" He murmured against my lips.
I snuggled up against him. "Guess not." He pushed me away with a groan. "Just hurry up and go before I end up not letting go of you."
I laughed and kissed his cheek. "Can do."


I slowed down to a quiet walk from my sprint as I neared the spot that Cole and Speckman were said to be. I wasn't flaring, but I didn't need to be. I could hear them clearly and was able to get close enough to hear and see them without getting caught. They were each sitting on a log on opposite sides of an empty fire pit. Speckman was closer and had his back to me. Both were flaring. I sat still and listened to their conversation.

"Ahh, the past while in the forest has been good man," Cole said stretching.
Speckman chuckled darkly. "Yes it has."
"Any idea where those mongrels are?"
"Which, the furry ones or the two-legged ones?"
Cole laughed. "Furry. Don't really care about the wolf princess and her entourage, but the mutts could actually do some damage."
"Forget the mutts. They're on the other side of the forest."
How does he know that? I wondered.
"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that you have that creepy mental power thingamajig," Cole mumbled.
What mental power?!?
"Well you better remember. It's alpha power," Speckman spat.

Then it hit me. The golden threads that I saw that connected us. Alpha power he called it. I was the alpha of the original Virals and he of the Trinity. Shimmer must see this too. I returned my focus to the conversation.

"Chill man. Power hungry much?" Cole quipped.
"You don't get it. The ability to see how all of us are connected through those red lines," Speckman spoke as if he were in a daze.
"So what are we doing tonight?" Cole asked.
"I'm thinking that we should take over Chance again and maybe make him attack Ella this time," Speckman mused.

My blood ran cold and my heart stopped as Speckman's words repeated themselves in my head. We should take over Chance again, we should take over Chance again, we should take over Chance again.

It all clicked:
They had been controlling Chance, forcing him to be a puppet.
They were the ones who were blocking my flare.
They were the ones who had caused us so much pain.
They were the ones who were going to pay.

"Hey are you blocking Tory's flare?" Speckman asked.
"Nah man. Why?" Cole blinked confused.
"You fool! I told you to keep it blocked!" Speckman snarled.

I saw my chance.
The flare rushed through me and I shot forward, slamming into Speckman and knocking him down before turning on Cole. He threw a punch at my face, but I ducked and twisted, kicking out the back of his knees and elbowing his head as he fell.

All of the sudden, I fell to my knees with a gasp of pain. Looking around, I saw Speckman staring at me in glee. I understood instantly.

He was trying to shut down my flare.

So I fought back. Looking into my mind, I mentally covered my flare, making it look shut down. He let his guard down, thinking I was defeated. I waited a second before I slammed my mental power into his, shutting down his flare and overloading his mind. His eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground, drool coming out of his mouth. Cole was still out from the hit to the head.

I looked at them in disgust. Worthless little things. They deserve to be used as lab rats. I pulled the tracker from my pocket and without hesitation, hit the button.

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