Chapter 11

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(A/N: So it turns out that my last chapter wasn't really that short. So sorry if this one is short! And the photo above belongs to goRilla-iNK on deviantart. It's called she-wolf.)

Tory's Pov
We had been in the hands of the government for weeks. They were having lots of fun with us. Poking, prodding, testing, videoing EVERYTHING we do. I really felt like it was an invasion of privacy. I wondered what they told our parents. Hi there, we need to borrow your child. Turns out they are super-powered wolf mutants so we just want to run some tests on them so that we can make super soldiers to take over the world. Thank you for your cooperation. Would you care to buy a bumper sticker or mug saying "my kid is adding in the demise of anyone against the U.S. Government. Make sure you pay your taxes!"

While wallowing in my misery, there was a huge commotion outside my door. I lay on my bed watching the door, wondering what test I would go through now. Suddenly, the door swung open and a snarling bundle was thrown in my room. Then, the door slammed shut and was locked.

I turned my attention to the bundle that had been thrown in. Standing before me was a beautiful wolf. Her pelt seemed to be all sorts of colors- silver, gray, brown, black, white, etc. But the most captivating thing was her eyes. They were green, purple, and amber all in one. They were so colorful that it seemed like some color had leaked out of her eyes and stained the fur around it. (A/N: refer to the picture above for the wolf's eye.) She cocked her head at me sat down in front of the door, stilling facing me. We looked at each other for a while in silence.

Victoria Brennan. A voice cut through the silence.
I spun in a circle shouting,"who's there?"
Me. The voice said.
"Where are you?" I yelled. I was turned so that my right arm faced the door.
Turn. I twisted 90 degrees so my back was to the door.
The voice gave an exasperated sigh. Keep turning.
I made another 90 degree turn. Still no one.
One more time. Whoever was speaking had a tone of voice you would use to a three year old.
I finished my circle and faced the wolf. "Who and where are you?!?" I screamed.
Shut your mouth and stop you shouting pupling. I'm the only other living creature in here. I thought you were smarter than that!

I stared at the wolf. "I'm going crazy. There is a voice in my head, a wolf in my room and I am going paranoid."

The wolf got up and padded over to the small water spout that they had in the room. Whining she pawed at it.
"Thirsty girl?" I asked.

I walked over to the spout and filled one of the two cups. Looking down into the cup, I froze. My eyes were blue. I was flaring. And that meant...
Correct. I really am talking to you. Now put the cup on the floor before you flood the sink.

Hastily I turned off the water and crouched in front of the wolf. I was about to ask her what her name was when she lunged at me snarling. Quickly I jerked backwards shielding my neck and face. In my head, the wolf's voice spoke quickly.
The bad people put me in here to see if we could interact with positive outcomes. We don't want to give them that. Shout at me or something and I'll move into the corner while you move onto your nest. Understand?

In response I 'attacked' her with the first thing that came to mind. I splashed the cup of water in her face. She snorted and pulled back.
Well that's one way to do it.

In one leap she was curled growling at me in from corner. I scrambled onto my bed and fake shivered in fright.

Okay. I said. Now we talk.

Of course. I am one to uphold my promises.

Alright then. What's your name? You clearly already know mine.

To understand my name, you will need to know everything about me.

Spill. We have time.

True. I was born in the wild to a pack of wolves. I won't get into great detail, but I was cast out after disobeying and standing up to my alpha. After some time spent as a lone wolf, I was captured by humans and put in a place filled with lots of other animals, all crammed into small cages.

A zoo, I guessed.

Yes. After a miserable few months there, someone bought me. It was a scientist. He took me to a remote lab where I met my two pack-mates. I'm not sure how, but this scientist and his colleagues got a hold on three strains of your virus.

Hold on. Three different strains?

Not really. They were all the same strain just with small differences that really made no difference. It was mainly just different in how it was obtained and how quickly it kicked in. Mine was the most modified. A side effect was that it changed the color of my fur.

So your eyes were always that color?

Yes. That was another reason why I was so easily evicted from my pack, my eye color made them think I was a demon. Anyways, the scientists gave us each names. The called me Frostbite, and my pack-mates Sky and Flip.

Why Frostbite?

My coat used to be white. And they thought that my eyes would turn blue. But that is not my real name. Our true names are Shimmer, Shadow and Flash.

And it's just the three of you?

No. We have a fourth member who was already captive. His name is Cooper.

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